July 26, 2024

Kamala Harris would lose at least two states Biden won in 2020 if election were held today: polls

After a seismic shift atop the Democratic presidential ticket, the likely new nominee faces some of the same problems the current president does. While Kamala Harris is likely much less prone than Joe Biden to show cognitive issues by mixing up names and losing track of what she’s saying, she’s still got to find a […]

Beachhead Won: Nigel Farage Wins UK Parliament Seat For First Time

Brexit boss Nigel Farage has captured his “beachhead” in the UK Parliament as his Reform UK party is projected to become the third largest party by vote share in the country in Thursday’s general election. UPDATE 0400 — Reform UK’s Richard Tice wins seat in Parliament Nigel Farage’s deputy leader Reform party chairman, Richard Tice

Why hasn’t Grammy darling Taylor Swift won Record or Song of the Year?

Taylor Swift has seemingly won everything in sight at the Grammys, so it’s no wonder she’s so souped up about her boo thang Travis Kelce bringing home a different kind of coveted prize — the Vince Lombardi Trophy — when the Kansas City Chiefs tackle the San Francisco 49ers at Super Bowl LVIII on Feb. 11. […]

Meet the American who ‘won the war for us’: Andrew Jackson Higgins, World War II New Orleans boatbuilder

Andrew Jackson Higgins was born and raised 1,000 miles from the ocean, yet forever changed war fought from sea.  He designed and manufactured the iconic World War II amphibious landing craft that delivered Allied troops onto hostile beachheads from North Africa to Normandy to Iwo Jima and countless battle zones in between.  Higgins “is the […]

Dems won the midterms on Roe. Congress is another story.

Even President Joe Biden acknowledged the legislative reality for abortion rights advocates. Asked on Monday what voters can expect on abortion, he said: “I don’t think they can expect much of anything, other than we’re going to maintain our positions.” Cortez Masto sees victory on abortion access differently, though, describing herself and the majority she

CNN’s Lemon: Believing in Birtherism ‘National Progression’ into Believing Trump Won

CNN anchor Don Lemon said Tuesday that those who believed former President Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii were being led into believing former President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Lemon said, “You remember, I’m sure, covering the Barack Obama running, then-Senator Barack Obama running for president. He was a Muslim, right?…

Sen. Ron Johnson: If Trump Had Won And BLM Or Antifa Had Stormed Capitol, ‘I Might Have Been A Little Concerned’

Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson suggested that “had the tables been turned” and former President Donald Trump had won reelection, a hypothetical storming of the U.S. Capitol by Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa would have caused him to be “a little concerned.” Johnson has come under fire from MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and others…

Trump Won His Other Campaign

Convinced that President Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection, the media suddenly became less hysterical. Just like that, the media, at least to some degree, rediscovered concepts such as fairness and perspective, AWOL the last four years. Two weeks after the election, New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof haltingly, grudgingly and reluctantly, […]

Trump Demands ‘List’ Of Republicans In Congress Who Say Biden Won

President Donald Trump demanded to see a list of the 25 congressional Republicans who acknowledged to the Washington Post that President-elect Joe Biden won the 2020 election. The Post published an article Saturday reporting that just 25 of the 249 Republican lawmakers in Congress had acknowledged Biden’s win when surveyed. The Post later updated that…

Joe Biden Said His Family Wouldn’t Engage In Foreign Business If He Won The Election, But Records Show Hunter Still Holds Stake In Chinese Firm

Business records show that Hunter Biden continues to hold a 10% stake in a Chinese private equity firm despite multiple promises from President-elect Joe Biden that no one in his family would engage in business with foreign corporations or governments if he is elected president. Hunter Biden holds equity in BHR Partners through his company,…

Shapiro: Trump Won Because We Have Illegal Aliens Committing Crimes And Re-entering The Country At Will

It’s a disgrace. It’s a perversion of justice. Last night, the man that shot and killed Kate Steinle was found not guilty of murder or manslaughter. Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who was known as Francisco Sanchez at the time of his arrest, shot Steinle while she was walking on a pier in San Francisco with […]

President Trump: I Thought When I Won I Would Sit Down at My Desk and Sign Obamacare Repeal – It Hasn’t Happened (Video)

President Trump discussed the Obamacare debacle today during a meeting with the Egyptian president outside the United Nations. Pres Trump was asked about the health care bill to replace ObamaCare at end of photo op with Egyptian Pres el-Sisi. pic.twitter.com/Vt6Jl3eaE5 — Mark Knoller (@markknoller) September 20, 2017 Trump was asked about the Obamacare disaster. The […]

Political Violence Won At UC Berkeley. Expect A Lot More Of It.

A child throws a fit in a checkout aisle because she wants a chocolate bar. The mother caves, buying her daughter the candy. The story is the same the next time they visit the grocery store, except the little girl is emboldened by her first victory. Who hasn’t heard such a tale? Apparently not the […]

Franklin Graham: Donald Trump Won Election by the ‘Hand of God’

Celebrated evangelical Rev. Franklin Graham says that it was the “hand of God,” rather than Russian hackers, that determined the outcome of November’s presidential election. “I think maybe God has allowed Donald Trump to win this election to protect this nation for the next few years by giving maybe an opportunity to have some good judges,” […]

Trump: Obama Wouldn’t Have Have Won Against Me

President-elect Donald Trump shot down President Barack Obama’s claim he would have beaten him in the election if he had run again Monday. Obama made the claim in an interview with his former senior adviser David Axelrod earlier Monday, saying his messaging would have been more effective with voters. “I am confident in this vision because […]

By the Way, Republicans Won Another Senate Seat Over the Weekend

Cortney covered this news yesterday, but I wanted to make sure you saw it because with Louisiana’s Congressional runoffs complete, we can now close the books on the 2016 election cycle. Donald Trump won the presidency with 306 electoral votes, as Wisconsin’s recount hasn’t even remotely approached changing the outcome (as expected), while Michigan’s was halted by a judge. […]

CNN Investigates Why Latinos In Florida Voted For Trump: “Silent Majority Has Won” – VIDEO

CNN’s Randi Kaye goes to a Cuban diner in Orlando to get the Latino reaction to a Trump victory. CNN found that Latinos in Florida have a problem with people illegally entering the country, one legal immigrant said, “I came through the front door.” One person interviewed expressed excitement for a border wall while another […]

How America Won the Election

As pundits pontificate about why Donald Trump became our next President, one salient fact stands out. Most of those pundits live in big cities on the coasts. As Henry Kissinger reportedly said, “You have to live off the intellectual capital you bring to Washington, D.C. because you will never have any time to add to […]

Cuban Americans Won Florida for Trump

The shameful Cuban policy of Barack Obama and its support by Hillary Clinton helped deliver Florida to Donald J. Trump Mary Anastasia O’Grady wrote an article titled “Will Obama’s Cuba Policy Lose Florida for Clinton?” which was published in the Wall Street Journal on November 8, 2016 before the election results came in. The answer is […]

Donald Trump Won 7.5 Million Popular Vote Landslide in Heartland

Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory in 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland. Fifty-five point seven million out of the 109.3 million Americans who cast their ballots in those counties voted for Trump, while only 48.1 million voted for Hillary Clinton, according to the latest […]

Luntz Focus Group: Trump Won The Debate, But It Was Close

The final presidential debate of the 2016 presidential election is over and according to pollster Frank Luntz and his focus group, Trump was the winner of tonight’s debate. That being said, it was close. The other winner of the night is moderator Chris Wallace, who did an excellent job managing the candidates, asking questions and […]

Clinton Won on Nonsense, Trump Won on Substance

The overwhelming media consensus regarding the first presidential debate — Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt — is that Clinton won. If she did win it was because Trump, after a strong opening 30 minutes, allowed himself to get baited into emotional and tendentious self-defense. And because the media have decided to focus […]

Pat Caddell: Breitbart/Gravis Post-Debate Flash Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Won Slightly; Trump Gains ‘Plausibility’

Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton edged her GOP rival Donald Trump in Monday’s presidential held at Hofstra University before a television audience estimated at 100 million viewers, according to a Breitbart/Gravis “flash poll” conducted minutes after the debate ended. Pat Caddell, the Democratic pollster and Fox News Insider, told Breitbart News that poll respondents said […]

DONALD TRUMP Won More Youth Votes Than McCain, Romney and Hillary Clinton!

Donald Trump shattered the GOP primary record this year by 1.4 million votes. And he won more youth voters than John McCain or Mitt Romney. Trump also received a larger percentage of the youth vote than the previous two Republican candidates. The Washington Examiner reported: Donald Trump has so far won more support from younger […]

Iran: Death to America, We Won, and We’ll Do Whatever We Want With Your Billions

Iran is spiking the football over the slanted nuclear giveaway, as well they should be. Mission accomplished: “Our objective was keep nuclear program and have sanctions lifted” — Thomas Erdbrink (@ThomasErdbrink) July 14, 2015 “At first they wanted us to have 100 centrifuges now we will have 6000. They wanted restrictions of 25 years now […]
