July 27, 2024

FNC’s Turley: Trump Likely Won’t Get Judge Removed, Actions of Adult Child Not Relevant

Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley said Wednesday on “Americas Newsroom” that it was not likely Judge Juan Merchan woukd be removed from former President Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial over the judge’s daughter once working as a political consultant for a Democratic client. Host Dana Perino said, “Does the Trump team have standing

‘His Actions Were Abhorrent’: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Fired for Making Porn with Wife

‘His Actions Were Abhorrent’: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Fired for Making Porn with Wife Sexy Healthy Cooking/Twitter A chancellor with the University of Wisconsin has been terminated for making explicit content for porn websites with his wife. The Wisconsin State Journal identified the man as UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow, noting he was the longest-tenured

Watch Live: Live Action’s Lila Rose, Pro-Life Leaders Rally at Capitol Ahead of Anniversary of Roe Overturn

Live Action’s Lila Rose and other pro-life politicians and activists will speak at the U.S. Capitol on Friday ahead of the anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. “It’s been one year since Roe v. Wade was overturned. While this was an incredible pro-life victory, our fight to make abortion unthinkable and to support families

Exclusive – Mike Pompeo Shreds Nikki Haley, John Bolton over Alleged Actions During Trump Administration: ‘Too Many People Weren’t on the Team’

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Breitbart News Saturday and blasted both former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, who allegedly attempted to oust former Vice President Mike Pence and take his role during the Trump administration, and former Senior National Security Advisor John Bolton for releasing sensitive policy details, in his tell-all book

Moody’s Chief Economist: ‘2023 Is Going to Be a Pretty Tough Year’ Unemployment Will Rise and It’ll Take Time to See Impacts of Fed Actions

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg TV’s “Balance of Power,” Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi predicted that 2src23 “is going to be a pretty tough year” because we won’t “see the full effects of what the Fed’s done for well into” the year and “we’re going to see job growth slow, may see some declines, unemployment’s

Expert: Biden Actions Against American Oil, Gas Energy Production Could Kill as Many as 1 Million Jobs

Frank Macchiarola, senior vice president of Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs at the American Petroleum Institute (API), said in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Matt Boyle that if President Joe Biden puts a permanent ban on oil and gas development on federal waters and land, it could cost 1 million American…

Trump’s Actions Reduce Iran’s Boasting To Begging Europe For Help.

Iran, reduced to begging after the Trump administration walked away from the disastrous nuclear deal in May, issued a warning to European nations that if they don’t play ball by November 4, Iran will opt out of the nuclear deal itself. On November 4, the U.S. is scheduled to impose sanctions on Iran’s vital oil […]

Actions Have Consequences – Red Hen Restaurant Refusal to Serve Press Secretary Leads To Drop in Town Tourism

The Associated Press is reporting that a Virginia tourism board is initiating an emergency fund to compensate for a significant drop in business as a result of the Red Hen Restaurant refusing to serve White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Stephanie Wilkinson and family, owners of Red Hen restaurant. LEXINGTON, Va. (AP) — A […]

TRUMP DROPS BOMB ON DEEP STATE: Illicit Actions Revealed – Obama Admin Caught in Act Spying on Political Opponent.

On Monday evening Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) revealed Congressional investigators have learned the FBI and DOJ previously leaked information to the press then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify seeking FISA warrants on Trump advisor Carter Page. They knew all along the story was bogus and planted the evidence in […]

10 Reasons Why the 2017 Record Stock Market Rally is Due to President Trump’s Actions.

The stock market in 2017 has increased at record levels unseen in American history.  Never before has the market increased by more than 4,000 points in a single calendar year but has done that in 2017.  The Dow is up more than 30 percent since the election. Liberals and Democrats refuse to give President Trump […]

Unconstitutional Actions of our Federal Government that You Can Change

PATRIOT ACTION WORKSHEET YOUR CALL TO ELECTED OFFICIALS HAS IMPACT!!   Call Federal Legislators, President Trump to Support Contact Your State Legislators Issues to Resolve Resources on Issue   √ H.R.193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017: Get US Out of the United Nations: Amexit. Request State Legislators oppose all things UN End UN’s Agenda21 […]

Trump signed three executive actions to restore “law and order”

  Trump signs executive actions aimed at crime crackdown President Trump signed three executive actions Thursday morning to further his “law and order” agenda, including orders to crack down on international crime and crimes against law enforcement. “I’m signing three executive actions today designed to restore safety in America,” Trump said in the Oval Office […]

DHS suspends ‘any and all actions’ on Trump travel ban

© Getty Images The Department of Homeland Security says it has suspended “any and all actions” regarding President Trump’s ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries entering the United States, though it plans to file an emergency stay on the ruling halting it. “At the earliest possible time, the Department of Justice intends to file […]

3 New Presidential Actions: Lobbying Ban, Defeat ISIS Plan, National Security Council Reorganization

President Donald J. Trump signed three new executive actions on Saturday afternoon, including a five year lobbying ban, reorganization of the National Security Council, and a plan to defeat the Islamic State. From the Oval Office, President Trump signed the documents while surrounded by reporters, advisers, and his Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Regarding the […]

Donald Trump Signs Executive Actions: ‘Today the USA Gets Back Control of its Borders’

President Trump signed two executive actions on Wednesday, putting plans for his wall on the Southern border of the United States into motion and increasing security inside the country. “A nation without borders is not a nation,” Trump said after the signing ceremony. “Beginning today, the United States of  America gets back control of its […]

CNN Fake News: The Network’s Efforts to Justify Its Actions May Be Worse than Its Actual Flawed Reporting

CNN’s defense of its handling of the Buzzfeed memo on Donald Trump is worse than its flawed reporting. (Flickr)  According to NBC, an outfit far from being friendly to Donald Trump, “top intelligence officials” consider the memo released by Buzzfeed and reported by CNN “part of a smear campaign” prepared by Donald Trump’s opponents during […]

Trump Poised to Build Wall and Undo Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration

President-elect Donald Trump is poised to hit the ground running when he takes office in two and a half weeks, and it looks like “the wall” and reversing Obama’s immigration policies are high on the agenda. Reuters reported Tuesday that Donald Trump’s transition team has requested “documents and analysis” from the Department of Homeland Security to “assess […]

Good News for the Economy: Trump Plans to ‘Repeal a Lot’ of Obama’s Actions on Day One

Unfortunately for President Obama, who wanted so desperately to create a lasting legacy, what is created with “a pen and a phone” can be undone with a pen and phone. Add control of both houses of Congress, and you have a recipe for a full-fledged legacy dumpster fire. Donald Trump’s choice for White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, […]

Trump: Bill Clinton’s actions ‘far worse’ than my words

Donald Trump tore into former President Bill Clinton over allegations of sexual misconduct in the first half hour of Sunday’s presidential debate. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said what Clinton did before he became president and after his election was worse than his own lewd comments about women recorded in 2005. “It was locker room […]

Cruz Declares War on Executive Actions

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97% said Saturday that on his first day of office he will, “rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action Barack Obama has done.” Speaking at Saturday’s Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire, Cruz blasted President Obama for his use of executive action. “You know, there are three avenues […]

Not Over Yet: White House ‘Wouldn’t Rule Out’ More Executive Actions On Guns [VIDEO]

Less than a week after taking executive action against guns, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters “I wouldn’t rule out” more actions in President Barack Obama’s last 12 months in office. Admitting the President had, “based on the most recent analysis,” done all his advisors believe he can do on his own, Earnest said […]

Arizona Sheriff Challenges Obama: What Shooting Specifically Would Your Exec Actions Have Prevented?

An Arizona sheriff running for Congress challenged President Barack Obama during a town hall on guns Thursday, asking the president to identify exactly what shooting his recent executive actions would have prevented.“Mr. President, you’ve said you have been frustrated by Congress. As a sheriff, I often times get frustrated. But I don’t make the laws. […]

Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns Are All Politics

The controversial measures President Barack Obama announced will likely face constitutional challenges in the courts, but it’s already clear they won’t be effective. The main executive action Obama announced that raises legal questions is about defining who must register as a licensed gun dealer and who does not have to register. The president has some, but […]

Obama’s specific executive actions on guns

The White House announced on Monday evening the executive actions President Barack Obama will take to “reduce gun violence and make our communities safer.” “Gun violence has taken a heartbreaking toll on too many communities across the country,” a statement from the White House said. “Over the past decade in America, more than 100,000 people […]

5 Actions Ted Cruz Says He Would Take on His First Day in the Oval Office

ATLANTA, GA. – Sen. Ted Cruz told a group of conservative activists the first actions he would take should he be elected president during a speech today. Speaking at the Red State Gathering, Cruz said that there are five policies he would implement on his first day in the Oval Office. The first action would […]

Legal Expert SLAMS De Blasio’s Actions Against Trump

Civil liberty advocates are jumping all over New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s order to “review” all of Donald Trumps city contracts because of his recent comments on Mexican immigrants. “This is not the American Way,” observed Alan Dershowitz, Harvard’s most distinguished civil liberties law professor, about the chilling effect de Blasio’s action could […]

New Email Reveals Detail About Obama and Hillary’s Actions the Night of the Benghazi Attack

A newly-released email sent between top aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama reveal that the two leaders were engaged in a late-night call on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The email was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request […]
