July 27, 2024

Woke Embarrassment: Google’s Botched Gemini AI Launch Erases $90 Billion in Stock Value

Google’s market value plunged by $90 billion on Monday amid controversies surrounding its new generative AI service Gemini. The ultra-woke AI became instantly famous for erasing white people from history, facing widespread mockery for not only its wildly inaccurate images, but also defending pedophilia and Joseph Stalin. Forbes reports that Alphabet stock fell 4.5 percent

Report: Crenshaw, Pelosi, McConnell, Goldman Among Top 2023 Stock Traders

Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Several establishment members of Congress were among the top lawmakers to successfully trade stocks in 2023, a report by Unusual Whales found Tuesday. The findings raise concerns that many members of Congress trade stocks based on information unavailable to the public. Some of the most notable establishment members

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: The Stock Market Might Be Rallying on the Belief Trump Will Beat Biden

The stock market had a great run during the Trump presidency, and the latest boom might reflect Wall Street’s hope that Donald Trump could get re-elected, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney said in a Tuesday interview with Fox Business host Larry Kudlow. “John Carney, smart guy that you are, why is the stock market booming?”

Silicon Valley Bank CEO Sold $3.57 Million of Stock Two Weeks Before Bank Collapsed

The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sold $3.57 million of company stock just two weeks before the technology sector’s primary financial institution collapsed on Friday, according to federal filings. SVB CEO and President Greg Becker on February 27 sold 12,451 shares of common stock at an average price of $287.42, or $3,578,652.31 in total.

Joe Biden Not Worried About Inflation or Stock Market Plunge: ‘We’re Going to Be Fine’

President Joe Biden shrugged off the latest unexpectedly high inflation numbers on Tuesday even as they triggered a sudden plunge in the stock market. “I think we’re going to be fine,” Biden told reporters Tuesday night when asked about the disappointing data release earlier in the day. The president spoke briefly to reporters after traveling

Democrat Lawmaker Calls for ‘New Leaders’ Within Own Party After Stock Trade Ban Vote Stalls

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) called for new House Democratic leadership after a vote to ban congressional lawmakers from trading stocks was stalled indefinitely in the lower chamber. On Tuesday, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) introduced the Combatting Financial Conflicts of Interest in Government Act prohibiting senior government officials and their family members from trading stocks after

Report: Facebook Stock Decline Is Largest One-Day Drop in U.S. History.

Facebook’s drop in stock price of nearly 20 percent marks the largest one-day stock market decline in U.S. history, at $119 billion. Facebook has had a tough few days, seeing a massive decline in its stock price which fell by as much as 23 percent in after-market trading on Wednesday. The mass stock sale saw […]

Whistleblower: Stock Market ‘Fear Gauge’ Is Being Manipulated.

During President Trump’s first year in office the Dow broke every significant record imaginable. Below is a list of the records during President Donald J. Trump’s first year in office. Point Increases Trump’s first year in office was the greatest year in stock market history! The Dow hit a record number of  all time high […]

Down, then up: Stock market goes on another wild ride.

Wall Street is making a good case for buying stock in Maalox and Tums. In another stomach-churning day Tuesday, stocks plunged in the morning, then pulled off a late-afternoon rally, ending the day in positive territory and recouping some of the losses from the market’s two-day plunge. “The positive for the market is that we […]

President Trump’s 1st Year in Office an ECONOMIC MIRACLE: All Time Stock Market Highs – Most Jobs in History – Highest GDP Ever.

President Trump’s first year was Historic!  Never before has a President done so much for the economy.  The stock market is at an all time high, there are more people working than ever before and the nation’s GDP has never been higher.  Never before has a first year President done so much for the economy! […]

Donald Trump: People Should Sue ABC for Stock Market Crash Triggered by Fake News

President Donald Trump continued to ridicule ABC News and their reporter Brian Ross for a false report about Mike Flynn’s cooperation with the Russia investigation. “People who lost money when the Stock Market went down 350 points based on the False and Dishonest reporting of Brian Ross of ABC News (he has been suspended), should […]

ABC’s Flynn-Trump Report Caused Panic In The Stock Market — Then They Corrected The Story [VIDEO]

ABC News is making a significant correction to a report it did on former national security adviser Michael Flynn that sent shockwaves across social media and financial markets on Friday. Brian Ross, a veteran journalist at ABC News, reported earlier in the day that a source close to Flynn said that the retired lieutenant general […]

10 Reasons Why the 2017 Record Stock Market Rally is Due to President Trump’s Actions.

The stock market in 2017 has increased at record levels unseen in American history.  Never before has the market increased by more than 4,000 points in a single calendar year but has done that in 2017.  The Dow is up more than 30 percent since the election. Liberals and Democrats refuse to give President Trump […]

Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever! Dow up 30% Since Last Year’s Election – 4,000 Points This Year!

Yesterday the Dow set another all time high closing at 23,837.  Since last year’s election the Dow is up 30%! * The Dow has increased more than 5,500 points since the November 8th election a year ago when the Dow closed at 18,333.  This is the largest point increase in this amount of time in Dow history. This has never […]

Another Stock Market Record! Dow Surpasses 5 All-Time Milestones in Less than a Year

Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever!  Another All Time High Yesterday! Dow surpasses 5 All Time Milestones in Less than a Year for First Time in History! With Another All Time High in the Dow Yesterday – President Trump’s Stock Market Rally Did What President Obama’s and No Other President’s Markets Could Do –  Surpass 5 Major […]

President Trump Sets Record for Most Stock Market Closing Highs in First Year – Obama Had None His Entire First Term

The DOW recorded its 56th All time record closing high on Friday since President Trump was elected on November 8th.   As a result the market is up 21% since the election.  No President has more all time closing highs in their first year in office than President Trump. * President Trump is already the only President in […]

It’s Official => Trump’s Stock Market Rally Is Historic – Has Never Occurred in 110 Years!

It’s official – The ‘TRUMP STOCK MARKET RALLY’ continues to shatter the record books.  As a matter of fact, what we have seen since President-Elect Donald Trump won the Presidential election on November 8th, has never occurred before. Out of 21 days since the election, the Dow has reached all time closing highs 13 of these days!  […]

Target Stock Has Lost $1.5 Billion In Value Since Letting Men In The Ladies’ Room

Ordinarily I would not root for any business to fail, even one of my own competitors. But when a major corporation tells the vast majority of its customers “f*** you” in order to appease radical social activists, it would really be a shame if those insulted customers just kept shopping there and made the corporation […]

Chinese Crash Crushes Stock Market as Obama Imitates Chinese Economy

On Monday, the global stock crash continued with the New York Stock Exchange dropping nearly 1,000 points at times, before bouncing back up to a 500-point loss as of mid-morning Eastern Time. The crash has been precipitated by China’s devaluation of the yuan, a move that observers saw coming for months given China’s weak economic […]

Obama Heading to Vegas to Talk Climate Change as Stock Market Plummets on #BlackMonday

The Dow Jones industrial average plunged 1,000 points at the opening bell on Wall Street, extending “the losses of last week, already the worst for the stock market in four years.” A small bounce has the market down 600 as of this writing. The Chinese economy, the second largest in the world, has investors nervous […]
