July 26, 2024

Oregon Fentanyl Overdoses Increase by 1,530%, Largest Spike in the Nation

Oregonā€™s fentanyl overdose rate has surged by a whopping 1,530 percent over the last few years, making the state home to the most dramatic increase rate in the nation. A new FOX12 report using data obtained from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) exposed the shocking statistics, revealing that 1,268 deaths occurred as a

Hamas terror base is hidden beneath Gaza’s largest hospital, Israel alleges

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is alleging the discovery of a Hamas military base under their largest hospital. The IDF has released images and accompanying graphics claiming an extensive command post exists under Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. “Hamas terrorists operate inside and under Shifa hospital ā€” and other hospitals in Gaza ā€” with a network […]

Report: America Enduring Second Largest Home Price Correction Since End of WWII

The American housing market is suffering its second-largest price correction since the end of WWII, and one expert attributed it partly to peopleā€™s concerns about economic issues. According to founding partner of Macro Trends Advisors Mitch Roschelle, the correction was due to citizensā€™ uncertainty and concern about the economy, Fox Business reported Friday: ā€œA couple

SoCal Prepares for ā€˜Bad Fire Seasonā€™ with Worldā€™s Largest Helitankers

Three Southern California counties are joining forcesĀ to operate theĀ worldā€™sĀ largest water-dropping helitankersĀ prior to the start of a ā€œbad fire season.ā€ The cooperative, dubbed ā€œQuick Reaction Force,ā€ initiatesĀ June 15 afterĀ Southern California EdisonĀ (SCE)Ā donated $18 million to theĀ Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACOFD), the Ventura County Fire Department, Coulson Aviation, and Perimeter Solutions. ā€œThis…

China will surpass US to be world’s largest economy ā€” it’s time for us to shift gears.

Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future. Thousands of new buildings, roads and bridges; dozens of new airports; and several maglev high-speed trains ā€“ all of it reflects strategic infrastructure investment. A few years ago, the nation produced copycat technology products, but now itā€™s producing […]

Report: Facebook Stock Decline Is Largest One-Day Drop in U.S. History.

Facebookā€™s drop in stock price of nearly 20 percent marks the largest one-day stock market decline in U.S. history, at $119 billion. Facebook has had a tough few days, seeing a massive decline in its stock price which fell by as much as 23 percent in after-market trading on Wednesday. The mass stock sale saw […]

Largest Voting Machine Vendor in US Admits Its Systems Had Remote-Access Software Installed.

AĀ  bombshell revelation on the security of voting in the United States has just surfaced in the form of a letter from the countryā€™s largest voting machine manufacturer. The company, Election Systems and Software (ES&S) admitted that despite denying previous allegations of its voting systems coming installed with remote-access software, their systems did, indeed, allow […]

Trump Economy Sets More Records: 1st Quarter Profits, Earnings Reach All-Time Highs ā€“ Largest Monthly Surplus in History ā€“ Far Left Media Silent.

The biggest lies from the Mainstream Media are not only what they tell us, the biggest lies are what they donā€™t tell us! The liberal MSM is obsessed with the fake ā€œTrump-Russia Collusionā€ story and have been for nearly two years.Ā  They love everything about this sham story because it keeps the truth about President […]

U.S. Will Be the Worldā€™s Largest Oil Producer by 2023, Says IEA.

Influence on global oil markets is also expected to rise, with U.S. oil exports more than doubling The U.S. is likely to overtake Russia to become the worldā€™s largest oil producer by 2023, accounting for most of the global growth in petroleum supplies, a top industry monitor said Monday. U.S. crude production is expected to […]

BREAKING: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb on IS target in Afghanistan.

A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast weapon on display outside the Air Force Armament Museum, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (Wikipedia/Fl295/public domain) In first combat use of weapon, 11-ton ā€˜Mother Of All Bombsā€™ used in strike on jihadist cave complex The Pentagon said Thursday US forces in Afghanistan dropped the militaryā€™s largest non-nuclear bomb on […]

Trump, Navy Plan Largest Fleet Expansion in Decades

In the face of threats from China and Russia, and responding to President-elect Trumpā€™s pledge to build a 350 ship fleet, the Navy is proposing the biggest shipbuilding increase since the Cold War. Last month the Navy proposed 355 new ships, but that could come with a hefty price tag: an additional $5 billion to […]

Americaā€™s Largest Police Union Endorses Donald Trump For President

  A Miami police officer stands guard during a campaign event with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the James L. Knight Center, Friday, Sept. 16, 2016, in Miami. The National Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union in the United States, on Friday endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump for president. According to Chuck […]

Illegals Are Flooding Our Border Again in ‘Largest Mass Immigration to US Since 80s’

Nearly two years ago, the Obama administration called the influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America an ā€˜urgent humanitarian situation.ā€™ This year, however, the problem is worse but itā€™s getting almost no attention. The courts are so backlogged that thereā€™s an even slimmer chance that the vast number of migrants flooding the border this year […]

Largest health insurer in US drops out of almost all Obamacare exchanges

United Health, the nation’s largest health insurer, announced that they will be dropping out of all but “a handful” of state exchanges, citing huge losses. The Hill: The moves by United, the nationā€™s largest health insurer, have drawn attention for what they could indicate about the sustainability of ObamaCare as whole. But as the Obama […]

ISIS Kills 175 In One Of Its Largest Executions Ever

Islamic State executed 175 of the 300 Syrian cement workers it captured near the Syrian capital of Damascus. The workers from Al-Badiyeh Cement company, based in the town of Al-Dhmeir 30 miles northeast of Damascus, were reportedly taken from their workplace Thursday and put on buses by ISIS militants. ItĀ is believed ISIS staged the execution […]

Largest Civil Disobedience Action of the Century isnā€™t Anti-Trump, Itā€™s Pro-Democracy

In an article published here Wednesday, Aaron Klein wrongly characterized Democracy Spring as an ā€œAnti-Trumpā€ campaign organized by ā€œradicalsā€¦involved in shutting down Donald Trumpā€™s Chicago rally.ā€ We want to set the record straight, make it clear where we stand on Trump, and reach out to the all the conservatives who agree with us that big […]

Clinton Picks Up Major Endorsement From Nationā€™s Largest LGBT Organization

  Hillary Clinton received an endorsement Tuesday for her White House bid from Americaā€™s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization. The Human Rights Campaign announced its endorsement for the Democratic front-runner, which she is expected to officially accept at an event in Iowa next week ahead of the stateā€™s leadoff Feb. 1 […]

Obama Frees 10 GuantƔnamo Detainees in Largest Recorded Single-Day Release

The Defense Department announced Thursday that 10 Yemeni detainees have been set free from GuantĆ”namo Bay detention camp in Cuba. All of them were sent to the Gulf state of Oman, the Pentagon said. Less than 100 detainees now remain at the military facility. ā€œThe Oman transfer of 10 is the single largest transfer to […]

Largest Gitmo Transfer Since 2007 Underway

President Obama said heā€™s gunning to close the detention center atĀ Guantanamo Bay, and heā€™s starting by emptying the cell blocks that have housed suspected terrorists since it opened in 2002. Right now, the administration is on the verge of the largest detainee transfer in a single month since 2007 (via NYT): Defense Secretary Ashton B. […]

Report Reveals What Is Now the Largest Single Religious Group Among DEMOCRATS and Democratic-Leaning Americans ā€” and Itā€™s Stunning

The largest, single religious group among Democrats is now the ā€œnonesā€ ā€” an umbrella group that includes atheists, agnostics and those unaffiliated with a specific faith, according to the second installment of the Pew Research Centerā€™s 2014 Religious Landscape Study. The new report, titled, ā€œU.S. Becoming Less Religiousā€ ā€” a follow-up to a highly publicized […]

DOJ Releasing Largest Number of Federal Inmates At One Time Ever

New guidelines under the U.S. Sentencing Commission will open prison cells for overĀ 6,000 federal inmates this weekend. This comes a year after the Department of Justice issued aĀ policyĀ change in its mandatory minimum sentencing for nonviolent, low-level drug offenders. We must ensure that our most severeĀ mandatory minimum penalties are reserved for serious, high-level, or violent drug […]

Why The Mass Media Are Silent On The Largest Human Rights Disaster Of Our Time

Why is the largest human rights disaster of our time not reported by the mainstream media? Do you read in your local paper or see on TV news that Christians are disappearing in the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim world at a pace that has never been seen before? Just 100 years […]

TX Preps for USAā€™s largest peace time military training operation since 1950s

The largest peace time military training operation in the U.S. since the 1950ā€™s starts in July, and one city in west Texas is welcoming them with open arms. ā€œJade Helm 15ā€ is the exercise, and itā€™s being planned and executed by The Army Special Operations Command. Covering seven states from California to Texas, and running […]
