July 27, 2024

Get Ready: NASA Says Total Solar Eclipse Will Cross U.S. on April 8

Kirk Sides/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images NASA says a total solar eclipse will be visible on April 8, a view that is sure to awe Americans across the nation. While moving along its path, the total solar eclipse will cross North America, go over Mexico, the United States, and Canada, the agency announced recently on

Conservative Lawmakers Are the Only Line of Defense Against Total Government Takeover in Health Care

SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images The following content is sponsored by Conservatives for Lower Health Care Costs. Big Pharma has teamed up with leftist politicians to push a scheme that would further insert government into health care (a win for the socialist left) and hand Big Pharma even greater pricing power to set even more out-of-control

Dear Abby: My friend is a total flake, I can’t afford to keep bailing on plans

DEAR ABBY: I’m a widow. I have a friend I’ll call “Greta,” whom I have known since high school. I was very shy back then. She was more outgoing, but our group of friends was small. Over the years, I have become more outgoing, while Greta seems to be withdrawing socially. She often tells me […]

Fox News viewership crushes MSNBC, CNN for 110th straight week among both total viewers and primetime

Fox News was the most-watched cable news channel for the 110th straight week from March 20-26, crushing CNN and MSNBC combined across significant measurables.  Fox News averaged 1.3 million total viewers during the week of March 20, finishing as the only basic cable network to surpass the one-million mark. TBS finished second with 872,000 total […]

Unions Vow Total Shutdown of French Economy as Macron Move to Increase Retirement Age

PARIS (AP) – Roads blocked, oil refineries disrupted, planes grounded and trains halted – unions are threatening to shut down France’s economy this week in what they hope is their toughest riposte yet to President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to raise the retirement age. The first actions are expected Monday, as truckers are being urged to

Despite Initial Claims Drop, the Total Number of Americans on Jobless Benefits Jumped to Nearly 19 Million

Despite a decline in initial claims for unemployment benefits under state-run programs, the total number of Americans receiving some form of unemployment compensation rose 733,862 to nearly 19 million, data from the Department of Labor showed Thursday. Both new claims and ongoing claims in traditional unemployment programs dropped on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to Thursday’s…

‘Psaki Projects Total Fear’: Megyn Kelly Says Press Secretary ‘Lacks The Courage’ To ‘Call Cuomo’s Lie A Lie’

February 21, 2021 8:04 PM ET Independent journalist Megyn Kelly criticized White House press secretary Jen Psaki, saying Sunday that she didn’t have the courage to call out Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “Psaki projects total fear in every exchange. Her meekness is maddening. So I guess we shouldn’t be surprised she lacks the…

‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Review: Devolves Into a Total Disaster

The first hour of director, co-writer Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman 1984 is actually pretty good. Then it jumps off a cliff with an ACME screenplay that won’t open and goes kersplat. Man alive, what a disaster. Things open winningly enough with a flashback to Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) as a child competing…

Trump Administration Will Reportedly Cut Refugee Admittance By 3,000 For FY 2021, Bringing Yearly Total To New Historic Low

October 01, 2020 8:41 AM ET The Trump administration reportedly informed Congress it plans to cut total refugee admittance by 3,000 for fiscal year 2021. The Wednesday night move, first reported by the Associated Press, would reduce the total number of refugees allowed to enter the country to 15,000 next year, the lowest cap ever…

Updated Total: 1,898 Refugees Admitted into the U.S. in June.

A total of 1,898 refugees were admitted into the United States in June, bringing the number during the first nine months of FY 2018 to 16,229. If the number of refugees admitted into the United States under the federal Refugee Admissions Program during the last three months of FY 2018 continue at the same rate, […]

Donald Trump Calls for Total Tariff Removals at G7 Summit.

President Donald Trump revealed his preference for totally free trade to promote economic growth, confirming reports that he brought up the proposal at the G7 summit with world leaders. “That’s the way it should be, no tariffs, no barriers … and no subsidies,” Trump said, referring to his former college education. “That’s the way you […]

Flashback: Even Democrats Thought Obama’s Iran Deal Was Total Garbage.

It’s over. The Iran Deal is over for the U.S. President Trump announced our withdrawal from the agreement this afternoon: Excellent, clear speech. One of the strongest moments of Trump’s presidency. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 8, 2018 “I am announcing today the United State will withdraw from the Iran Nuclear deal,” Trump said from […]

TOTAL LOSERS: DNC Suing Trump Campaign, Russia, And Wikileaks For Colluding To Win 2016 Election.

They still can’t get over it. They can’t. The talking heads for the Democratic Party say let’s move on from 2016, but Hillary Clinton, her inner circle, and the Democratic National Committee keep bringing us back there. In the process, they reopen the wounds of 2016, the internal campaign strife, the rift with the progressive […]

Low Energy: 90th Academy Awards Ratings Are A Total Disaster, Least-Watched Oscars in History.

Correction: Ratings drop was 20 percent from last year. BREAKING: Viewership for the Academy Awards plunged 20 percent from last year to a record-low 26.5 million. — The Associated Press (@AP) March 5, 2018 No, I did not watch the Oscars last night. Sorry, I was not going to be lectured to about gun control […]

Global Business Leaders HEAP PRAISE ON TRUMP at Davos Dinner: Siemens, Adidas, Nestle, Sovartis, HSBC, Total, InBev, Bayer, Volvo, etc.

President Trump was given a hero’s welcome Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Trump met Thursday with global leaders Theresa May from Great Britain and Benjamin Netanyahu from Israel. Trump later sat down with global business leaders for a dinner. As he went around the table the table and each and every […]

Former Obama Aide Is Spewing Total Hypocrisy In Regards To Trump Admin.

Former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub is roasting President Donald Trump’s White House for failing to comply with rules that he personally didn’t follow on at least one occasion while serving in former President Barack Obama’s administration. Shaub wrote in an November op-ed for CNN that the Trump administration was not having outgoing […]

Total Losers: Yep, Anti-Trump Voters Just Threw A Nationwide Tantrum On Anniversary of 2016 Election

Enjoy: Here Are Some Anti-Trump Voters Who Shouted At The Sky On Anniversary Of Hillary’s Stunning Defeat We said this was going to happen and now it’s over. In case you missed it, Wednesday marked the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton. It was one of the most stunning upsets in American political […]

EXCLUSIVE – EXPERT: Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons, Obama’s Iran Deal A Total ‘Joke’

“I think Iran has already got nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and has the potential to do an EMP attack against the United States right now.” A former high-ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview that former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal […]

President Trump on NFL Not Forcing Players to Stand for the Anthem: ‘Total Disrespect to Our Great Country!’

President Trump praised the NFL for finally coming to their senses on the anthem controversy last week, after Commissioner Roger Goodell wrote a memo declaring that it was time to “move past the anthem controversy.” However, this week President Trump had another message for the NFL, one not nearly as congratulatory. On Wednesday morning, President […]

POTUS Trump: Democrats Have Vision of Total Socialism – Maybe a Step Beyond Socialism From What I See (VIDEO)

Potus Trump held a massive rally Tuesday night in Phoenix, Arizona. Trump trashed the Democrat Party and their lack of ideas. The president said the Democrat Party has moved beyond socialism. People’s Cube President Trump: Their word is, “We resist!” They don’t resist. They obstruct. It’s all their good at. It’s all their good at. […]

POTUS Trump Calls Out Media For Russia Story ‘Fake News,’ ‘Total Scam’

President Trump ripped the media on Saturday over the Russian controversy. He called out the media for being ‘fake news’ and said the story was a ‘total scam’.  The fake news media just can’t handle the loss. Their queen, Hillary lost the election and instead of admitting that she was a horrible candidate, they perpetuate […]

WRITER: Trump’s Victory Represents Total Collapse Of The Left For Years To Come

“Zombie” of the Zomblog has written a great essay which analyzes Trump’s win and the long term effect it will have on the left. He suggests that the left’s indoctrination strategy totally failed and that Trump has set them beck for a generation. Here are some excerpts: Trump’s Victory Is a Pivotal Turning Point in […]

CRISIS: France On The Verge Of Total Collapse

France did not perceive it at the time, but it placed itself in a trap, and the trap is now closing. In the 1970s, the Palestinians began to use international terrorism, and France chose to accept this terrorism so long as France was not affected. At the same time, France welcomed mass-immigration from the Arab-Muslim […]

Obama’s Legacy: The Total Destruction Of The Democratic Party

A day after the election, CNN’s Amanda Carpenter aptly noted that while the rest of the Democratic Party’s confidence that their Obama coalition could bring about consistent wins in national elections, Republicans were eating Democrats alive up and down the ballot. “Who thought Obama’s legacy would be the destruction of the Democratic Party,” she said […]

A Total and Complete Shutdown of the Washington Establishment

On Wednesday morning, all of the pollsters and analysts hung their heads in disbelief, having underestimated Donald Trump for the final time. After having been proven wrong by Trump’s insurgent movement at every turn in the Republican primaries, not a single one of them thought he could bring it home on election night. For as […]

5 Reasons James Comey’s FBI Investigation of Hillary is a Total Joke – VIDEO

With new revelations about Hillary Clinton’s private, unsecured email server emerging seemingly every week, it’s becoming more and more obvious that the FBI’s investigation was an absolute joke. Here are five reasons why. 1. Immunity Deals During the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s private server, the Justice Department granted immunity to multiple individuals close to the former Secretary of State […]

DNC In Total Meltdown – Video

Alex Jones talks with political commentator and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson about what he’s witnessed at the DNC.


Tom Trento interviews Clarion Project’s National Security analyst Ryan Mauro regarding his in-depth investigation into Hillary Clinton’s VP, Tim Kaine’s involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood. Don’t miss this VIDEO below!! Kaine has no excuse. If he has an Internet connection, then he and his staff should have known about their backgrounds. They were either extremely […]

Venezuela Running Out of Food as U.S. Says Total Meltdown Imminent – VIDEO

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro extended a state of emergency another 60 days as several riots broke out in grocery stores this past week. The country is running out of food, the workweek has been reduced to two days, there is a water shortage and — soon — a gasoline shortage in a country with more […]

Too Little, Too Late?: ‘Total Rejection’ Of Islam In France

An Ifop poll for Le Figaro measuring perceptions of Islam has found that people have a growing sense of unease about its role in France. What’s notable about the results is that where once such sentiments were perceived as the preserve of the “extreme right”, they are now felt across the political spectrum. Back in 2010, 39 per […]
