July 26, 2024

China COVID cover-up had huge help from Western elites

Security officials outside of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, where some have theorized COVID-19 originated. REUTERS/Thomas Peter/File Photo China’s COVID ambitions — to hide crucial data and avoid blame — could not have been accomplished without Western academics eagerly playing the useful idiot for Beijing, The New York Times (of all places!) has […]


Overwhelming evidence that you have been lied to about Jan. 6th. The more you watch the video the more enraged you will feel.   Video Sources: 1. Bannon’s War Room – Julie Kelly: New Evidence of J6, Intelligence Agencies Had Foreknowledge & Coverup https://rumble.com/v2d681e-julie-kelly-new-evidence-of-j6-intelligence-agencies-had-foreknowledge-and-.html 2. Bannon’s War Room – Kash Patel: J6 Report Reveals Intel Withheld […]

Ex-Aide to NY Attorney General Letitia James Sues over Alleged Sexual Harassment Coverup

New York Attorney General Letitia James’ (D) former aide is suing the official over an alleged coverup of sexual harassment and sexual assault by the former chief of staff, who recently resigned. According to the lawsuit, 33-year-old Sofia Quintanar accused Ibrahim Khan of putting his tongue down her throat during a Brooklyn fundraiser in November

Grassley: FBI Engaged in ‘Political Interference’ in Hunter Biden Cover-Up

During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) weighed in on whistleblowers within the FBI, alleging that top brass were working to discredit allegations against Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. Grassley, who penned a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland saying…

Pollak: Mainstream Media, Big Tech Coverup Collapses with Hunter Biden Investigation

The revelation Wednesday that Hunter Biden is under investigation for tax violations relating to his foreign business affairs confirms that the media/Big Tech censorship of stories during the election about his laptop and emails was entirely without merit. When the New York Post reported on October 14 that Hunter Biden had introduced an official from the…

The Democrats’ IT Scandal Cover-Up

Former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz subverted our democracy and interfered in the 2016 election in ways Moscow could only dream of, yet while Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues to chase Russian phantoms, the case against Wasserman Schultz and Imran Awan, the IT director she and other Congressional Democrats employed, continues to drag on despite […]

An Obama Cover-Up Is Finally Exposed.

In 2005, then U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) met with the Congressional Black Caucus along with Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, a certified racist, homophobe and anti-Semite. Obama’s meeting with Farrakhan was photographed by journalist Askia Muhammad. It showed both of them smiling, surrounded by happy members of the Farrakhan entourage, including his […]

Hollywood Sex Assault Cover-Up Explodes: Asia Argento, 2 Others Accuse Weinstein of Rape

According to The New Yorker, three women, including Asia Argento, a royal member of independent cinema, allege that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein raped them: Three women––among them Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans—told me that Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex. […]

MEDIA COVER-UP => Florida Cop Killer is a Muslim, Media Emphasizes He’s a Former Marine

Glenn Miller aka Malik Mohammad Ali killed two cops in Florida. The media labeled him a ‘former marine’ and completely left out the fact that he is a Muslim convert. Via Frontpage Mag: Everett Glenn Miller changed his name to Malik Mohammad Ali, which is the name listed on Ali’s Facebook account. As seen on the Malik […]

Cover-up: Here’s what the media won’t say about Charlottesville’s protest organizer

Many conservatives, as well as libertarians and right-leaning individuals, have long wondered why white supremacy hate-groups are labeled “right-wing.” After all, one could read everything written by Edmund Burke, William F. Buckley, Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell, and find no reference to any supremacy of one group over others based on the color of that […]

Cover-Up: 11 Things the Media Won’t Tell You About Obama Spying On Trump

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough doesn’t often make good points, but when he said that the national media would have lost its ever-loving mind had Dick Cheney done the exact same thing to Barack Obama that Susan Rice did to Donald Trump, that was a precise hit on the head of a nail. In fact, we all […]

WiKiLeaks: Leaked Email Reveals Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Cover-Up, FEDERAL CRIMES!

More Wikileaks emails reveal that Hillary Clinton is the criminal we all know her to be. Email #9722 show that the Hillary Clinton campaign specifically used the Associated Press as well as the State Department to get rid of the emails that were subpoenaed in order to further the cover up of her failed leadership […]

Obama’s Red/Green Cover-up Begins to Unravel

Seven years into Barack Obama’s presidency, the scales may slowly be falling from the eyes of The New York Times. Could the truth about America’s red diaper baby President be starting to emerge? In a story about papers of his reported father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., the Times said that President Obama has shown no […]

Just in: NEW evidence points to 9/11 cover-up

Dominating the news last month was the “28 pages” – information classified for the past fourteen years that is believed to show a link between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 hijackers, with the Saudi government actually providing aid to the attackers in some manner (who were also Saudi). When the 28 pages dominated headlines, Obama stated he […]

Stop the Cover-up: Saudi Arabia and Iran attacked the United States on 9/11

It is shameful that two presidents have engaged in a massive cover-up on the worst terrorist attack in its territory for so many years. It is about time to reveal that Saudi Arabia, our supposed ally, and Iran, an existential threat to our security that President Barack Obama made a nuclear agreement which endangers our […]

Left Media Migrant Rape Cover-Up: HuffPo, Indy, AND United Nations Claim Cologne Attackers ‘Not Refugees’, German Prosecutor: ‘Total Nonsense’

Mainstream media outlets have been blasted for peddling “total nonsense” today as left-wing newspapers coalesced to claim with one voice that “only three” of the suspects involved in Cologne’s mass migrant rape on New Year’s Eve were recent migrants or refugees. The Indy’s false article But Cologne’s prosecutor, Ulrich Bremer, has said that the claim is […]

Benghazi Cover-up Challenged by New Film, More Hearings

    One major aspect of the Benghazi cover-up has been to denounce the words of witnesses in favor of higher officials’ assertions. This is true not only for those CIA contractors who responded to the attacks, but also for the families of the victims. In a recent interview with The Conway Daily Sun of […]

DC Media Cover-Up: Actually, Obama and Hillary Have Said They Want to Confiscate Guns

Just as they did when we were assured we could keep our health insurance, the hopelessly corrupt, rotted-out DC Media and Barack Obama are once again coordinating to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people, to lull us into a false sense of security before the boom falls. And make no mistake, […]

Trump Wins ‘Lie of the Year’ For Exposing DC Media’s Muslim, Immigrant Crime Cover-Up

The DC Media is furious at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for pushing two vitally important national issues that this very same media has been covering up for years — American Muslims celebrating 9/11 and the horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants. In fact, although Trump has been vindicated on both accounts, the DC Media is […]


The San Bernardino jihad massacre is the latest jihad atrocity, but it’s just like the last one, and just like the next one: it has played out in exactly the same way that the last jihad atrocity did, and in just the same way that the next one will play out as well. Mass killings […]

Stop the Government Coverup of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

It is shameful that both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama have kept a wall of secrecy and have coverup the participation of Iran to a lesser extent and of Saudi Arabia in a major way in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The devastating attacks of September 11, 2011 left 2,996 dead, including 19 […]
