July 26, 2024

‘You no longer represent us’: New Jersey Muslims mobilize against longtime congressman over Israel stance

The rising tension in Rep. Bill Pascrell’s district is a striking reflection of the broader fault lines running through the national Democratic party following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. | Julio Cortez/AP Last time Rep. Bill Pascrell faced a serious primary challenge, he ended up winning by a 2src-point margin after the Arab American

LGBT Target employee vents she ‘no longer feels valued,’ calls company hypocritical

Pride Month is underway, and one of the companies at the epicenter of this year’s boycotts and protests is major retailer Target, which got under the skin of some customers for not only offering items like “tuck-friendly” bathing suits and mugs that proudly say “gender fluid,” but also marketing LGBTQ+ themed products to kids.  After […]

Kanye West Goes Full MAGA: ‘We will No Longer Outsource to Other Countries. We Build Factories Here in America and Create Jobs’

Rap superstar Kanye West doubled down on his support for President Trump following his pro-Trump monologue on SNL Saturday, expressing support for Trump’s economic policies in a tweet sent Sunday. “this represents good and America becoming whole again,” Kanye West tweeted along with a photo of him wearing the signature “Make America Great Again” hat. […]

Donald Trump: United States ‘Will No Longer Tolerate’ Cheating from China.

President Donald Trump took a strong stance against China on Tuesday, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly. “We will not allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated and our wealth to be plundered and transferred,” he said. “America will never apologize for protecting its citizens.” Trump called for […]

Miss America axes swimsuit competition; Gretchen Carlson says ‘We are no longer a pageant’

Gretchen Carlson, who took over as chair of the Miss America Organization Board of Trustees after the group’s email scandal, had a major announcement on Tuesday’s Good Morning America: There will be no more swimsuit competition. “We are no longer a pageant; we are a competition. We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical […]

Boy Scouts Nix the Word ‘Boy,’ Showing They No Longer Believe in Masculinity.

It seems the Boy Scouts of America would prefer not to exist. On Wednesday, the Boy Scouts announced that their signature program known simply as the “Boy Scouts”—which serves ages 10 to 17—will no longer bear the word “boy.” Beginning in February, it will be known as Scouts BSA. This change comes only months after […]

The Threat is no Longer the Russians But Our Own Hypocritical Establishment on the Left

One thing is clear – regardless what the left-wing media would have you believe, the threat is no longer the Russians but our own hypocritical establishment on the Left — beginning with the media and Hollywood, and ending with academia and the liberal establishment. We hear much about Vladimir Putin’s alleged influence on the 2016 […]

ANOTHER RECORD: President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History

It’s Now Official – No President in US History has Cut More from the US Federal Debt for a Longer Period of Time than President Donald J. Trump. President Trump now can claim the longest and largest decrease of US Federal Debt in US history. When President Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017 the amount […]

Peter Schweizer: Clinton Global Initiative Folded Because They Can No Longer ‘Sell Access to Political Power’

Clinton Cash author and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily for what Marlow described as a “victory lap” over the demise of the Clinton Global Initiative, whose questionable activities featured so prominently in Schweizer’s book. Marlow saluted the work done by Schweizer and his Government […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

The Simple Reasons Americans No Longer Listen To Reporters

No one is listening to reporters these days. Their approval rating sits at an all-time low, their worst nightmares are unfolding before them, and despite their most dire warnings, the American populace is largely unmoved. Why? Panicked clamors instead of measured reporting, shrill cries disguised as honest evaluations, and a level of hyperbole that is simply astonishing. One […]

Trump: Media Investigated Melania’s Speech Longer Than ‘FBI Spent On Hillary’s Emails’

Donald Trump complained that the media Wednesday investigated his wife Melania’s convention speech longer than the FBI spent looking into Hillary Clinton’s emails.   Melania Trump kisses her husband Donald Trump, after delivering a speech on the first day of the Republican National Convention (Getty Images)   Responding to the allegation that a portion of […]

Nobel Peace Prize Winning Obama Has Been At War Longer Than Any Other American President

When the Nobel Peace Prize Committee awarded President Obama the prestigious honor shared by the likes of Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King Jr. in 2009, they probably didn’t anticipate that near the end of his tenure in office, he’d be at war longer than any American president in history. May 6 marked the dubious […]

Rape Jihad Shows ‘Germany Is No Longer German’

‘This massive immigration is simply changing the face of the world’ Globalists who demand that the West accept a wave of Muslim refugees have obliterated the face of Germany and are threatening to do the same to America, warns conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly. “This massive immigration is simply changing the face of the world. It’s […]

SANCTUARY CITY Policies Will ‘No Longer be Tolerated in Texas,’ says Governor Abbott

  Texas Governor Greg Abbott admonished Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez over her recent decision to consider honoring immigration detainers on a “case-by-case” basis. The governor said sanctuary city policies like this will “no longer be tolerated in Texas.” Governor Abbott wrote the tersely worded letter to Sheriff Valdez after her decision announced earlier this […]


In the wake of another Islamic terrorist attack on American soil under this President, Obama is presiding over a change to the Oath of citizenship which will allow new citizens to cite religious belief as justification for refusing to defend the United States. Modifications to the Oath of Citizenship mean that newly-naturalized Americans will no […]


A U.S.-listed terrorist, Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani has had personal sanctions against him dropped as part of Tuesday’s nuclear agreement between the P5+1 world powers and Iran, according to what appears to be the final text of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between the negotiating parties. Soleimani, who has already […]

Banned: Chase Bank Says You Can No Longer Store Cash or Precious Metals In Your Safe Deposit Box

Last week we reported that a Citigroup economist said that we need to abolish currency like the U.S. dollar, or at the very least, tax those who possess it. The whole idea made no sense, unless of course you are a big government stooge whose end-game is complete control over peoples’ assets and a desire […]
