July 26, 2024

2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate Despite Wire Transfers

Hunter Biden denied receiving “one cent” from his family’s deal with BHR Partners associate Jonathan Li, a video from October 2src19 shows. In the summer of 2src19, Hunter Biden received two wires totaling $26src,srcsrcsrc originating from BHR Partners associates, including Li, that listed President Joe Biden’s Delaware home as the beneficiary address for the funds, the House Oversight

Just Three Per Cent of over Two Million Migrant Arrivals Since 2015 Have Been Deported

Only 75,000 of the 2.2 million people who sought asylum in Europe in 2015 and 2016 have been deported to their homelands after their claims were rejected, a report has found. More than half of the people who arrived during the migrant surge are still waiting for decisions on their asylum status, whilst those rejected […]

Hungary Builds a Wall, Cuts Illegal Immigration by Over 99 Per Cent

Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S. Speaking on the second anniversary of the government’s move to seal […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

Full Extent of Germany Migrant Sex Attacks Revealed – Incidents in 75 Per Cent Of The Country

Cologne-style sex attacks by migrant gangs occurred in 12 of Germany’s 16 states, or 75 per cent, on New Year’s Eve, as revealed by German police. Although localised reports of attacks emerged almost immediately via social media, the full scale of the phenomenon is only now becoming clear – and it’s having a devastating effect […]

REPORT: Migrant Crime Up 47 Per Cent This Year

End of year statistics released by the Federal German state of Saxony has shown a steep increase in immigrant crime, with a growing number of multiple offenders responsible for the rise since 2014. The increase is significant in the east German Free State of Saxony, as it lies outside the most heavy migratory path which is concentrated on […]


Germany’s recent, surprise announcement of renewed border controls seems a direct consequence of its ill-fated decision to throw open its gates to all Syrians, a policy that has been fraught with problems from the outset. Since Syrians enjoy a privileged status, suddenly everyone applying for asylum turns out to be Syrian. In a press conference […]
