July 27, 2024

The time George Santos tried to raise crazy money to host a simple rally for Trump

Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) speaks with reporters as he enters his office on Capitol Hill on Jan. 24, 2src23. | Francis Chung/POLITICO NEW YORK — One of Rep. George Santos’ first-known forays into politics was an attempt to raise $2src,srcsrcsrc for a pro-Trump rally in 2src19 in Buffalo, N.Y. that never happened. The five-figure fundraising

Gorka: Trump ‘Sent a Very Simple Message — America Is Back’

Friday on the Fox News Channel, former Trump strategist Sebastian Gorka said the strikes a day earlier on Syria were a signal that “America is back.” .@SebGorka: “@POTUS sent a very simple message: America is back. The world is dangerous without American leadership.” pic.twitter.com/5N4J5ku5KF — Fox News (@FoxNews) April 14, 2018 According to Gorka, this […]

Six Simple Reasons ‘They’ Are Wrong On Tariffs.

There was a simple reason why Donald Trump won the 2016 election. It wasn’t because Vladimir Putin was changing votes (though he didn’t.) It wasn’t because evangelicals voted for him in necessary numbers (though they did.) The reason I felt strong enough about it the week of the election that I drew a map predicting […]

The Simple Reasons Americans No Longer Listen To Reporters

No one is listening to reporters these days. Their approval rating sits at an all-time low, their worst nightmares are unfolding before them, and despite their most dire warnings, the American populace is largely unmoved. Why? Panicked clamors instead of measured reporting, shrill cries disguised as honest evaluations, and a level of hyperbole that is simply astonishing. One […]

As Obama Slams Iran “Ransom” Allegations, He Refuses To Answer One Simple Question

Unable to keep the $400 million cash drop to Iran off the front pages – no matter how much they tried – the Hillbama administration came out swinging today with denials, conspiracy-theory-accusations, and partisan accusations as the mainstream media was forced by the utterly incredible actions of The White House to ask the uncomfortable questions. […]

Sebastian Gorka’s Plan To Defeat ISIS – Simple But Devastating

WASHINGTON – A Marine Corps University professor has become famous practically overnight because he has something President Obama does not. A plan to defeat jihad. And he can articulate it simply and convincingly. Ever since the Orlando massacre it has become practically impossible to tune into Fox News and not see Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the […]
