July 26, 2024

HORROR! Muslim Migrant Beheads One-Year-Old in Germany, Merkel Bans Media Reporting —VIDEO

This horrific report started making the rounds this week. A Muslim migrant in Germany beheaded his one-year-old baby daughter and stabbed his wife at a train station in Hamburg. Merkel’s government has banned reporting of this gruesome act. But now video has surfaced. The murder was in April. German media will not report on the […]

Angela Merkel Admits There Are ‘No-Go’ Areas In Germany That ‘Nobody Dares’ To Enter

Chancellor Angela Merkel has claimed there are ‘no-go areas’ in Germany, leaving ministers speechless. Officials have previously dismissed the notion there are places in the country that police and other outsiders can’t visit. But Merkel said she favours a zero-tolerance policy on crime that includes preventing no-go areas, which she called ‘areas where nobody dares […]

Merkel Imposes Sharia Law on Germany

Polygamy is de facto legal in Germany now — provided you’re a male Muslim immigrant who happens to have a spare wife or two tucked away in various places. Anton, who translated the following video, includes this introduction: Germany is covertly introducing Sharia law into Germany by the back door. We have already covered one […]

LISTEN: Bannon Mocks Macron and Merkel as the ‘Ken and Barbie’ of Globalism.

Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K Bannon has poured scorn on France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Angela Merkel as the “Ken and Barbie” of globalism. Speaking to Breitbart London editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam on Breitbart News Saturday, the former White House Chief Strategist contrasted the globalist vision of the two Europeans with the economic nationalism advocated […]

Four More Years: Exit Polls Give Merkel Comfortable Election Victory In Germany

Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) won Germany’s parliamentary election Sunday, but populists Alternative for Germany (AfD) have reason to celebrate, exit polls show. CDU and sister party the Social Christian Union received 32.5 percent followed by the Social Democrats (SPD) at 20 percent. AfD will enter parliament for the first time […]

After Admitting Over One Million Migrants into Germany Merkel Admits Many are Terrorists.

In February Angela Merkel told reporters, “Islam is not the source of terror.” This week, after Islamists tried to blow up a bus carrying a top German soccer team, Merkel told reporters that “there is no doubt” that some refugees pose a security threat. Germany, a country of 80 million, received over one million migrants […]

Berlin Attack Victim’s Father: Thanks Merkel, I’ll Never Vote For You Again

The father of a man who was put in a coma after the truck attack in Berlin sent a harsh message to Chancellor Angela Merkel when he visited the attack site. The parents visited the Christmas market where their son was badly injured Monday night. He is fighting for his life in a coma at […]

AfD Hits Out at Merkel after Christmas Market Attack: ‘These Are Your Dead’

The anti-mass immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has hit out at German Chancellor Angela Merkel after Monday’s Christmas market attack, saying the victims are “her dead”. A Pakistani migrant, named as 23-year-old Naved B, was arrested for allegedly driving a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing at least 12 people and injuring […]

Angela Merkel Calls For Germany BURKA BAN

ANGELA Merkel’s today completed an astonishing U-turn as she formally endorsed a full burka ban following a backlash over her open-door migration policies. The German chancellor made the comments at a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) conference having recently declared she will seek re-election. Angel Merkel speaks to CDU party delegates at conference in Essen The […]

Merkel With Obama: Internet ‘Disruptive’ Force that Has to Be ‘Contained, Managed, and Steered’ by Government

The internet is the last frontier of the freedom of speech. It has not been controlled by large media companies or government oversight; nor should it be. Chancellor Merkel seems to believe that she was undone not by her catastrophic migrant policy, but by the fact that its consequences were published online at sites like […]

“MERKEL MUST GO”: Germany in FLAMES as furious Germans take to the streets to protest Merkel’s Muslim migrant policies

Merkel is responsible for this. Not only is she the architect of Germany’s suicidal Muslim migration policies, but she has ruthlessly cracked down on any and all expressions of legitimate dissent. It was inevitable that the opposition would take to the streets. She has left them with no other recourse. “Others held signs showing Mrs […]


The people are rising. Merkel’s party got 19% in the election — its worst ever result in the state, German broadcasters said. Merkel’s disastrous polices led to the unexpected rise of the Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) party. The party is just three years old, but their stunning success is a rebuke to the islamization of […]

Merkel Clutches Refugee Policy Despite Stunning Blow From Voters

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is standing by her embrace of refugees in spite of a massive loss at the polls Sunday, when voters defeated her party in a state election. “Obviously it has something to do with the refugee question,” Merkel told reporters following the election. “But I nevertheless believe the decisions made were right […]

Migrants Refuse Jobs, Claiming They Are ‘Guests of Merkel’

Integration into the job market for migrants has become a major ongoing task for the German government but in one town migrants are refusing to work entirely. One of the major issues of the migrant crisis is Germany and elsewhere has been the economic impact the massive wave of  migrants will have in Europe. While some […]

Merkel Demands All Big German Companies Hire Refugees

(REUTERS) – Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited executives from some of Germany’s biggest listed companies to attend a summit next month where she will urge them to hire more refugees, the newspaper Bild reported on Saturday. More than one million migrants flooded into Germany last year, and the government wants to get as many as […]

Protests in Germany as Merkel Stands by Open Borders Decision

At one point in time last week, Germany was experiencing an Islamic terror attack every 72 hours.  Attacks of which authorities say have been carried out by asylum seekers or refugees inspired by Islam. A suicide bomb attack in Ansbach on Sunday injured 15 people and an axe and knife attack on a train in […]

If the EU Ends, Merkel Has Herself to Blame

I’m in London at the moment, at the very Scene of the Brexit, but it doesn’t take Sherlock or Watson to see what was just as obvious back in L.A. The cause of the UK leaving the EU was a woman named Angela and she’s no angel. She’s more of an Iron Lady, but of […]

Obama In Germany: Merkel Is On ‘Right Side Of History’ By Destroying Europe’s Borders

(AFP) US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a joint pitch Sunday for deeper transatlantic trade in the face of mounting opposition, vowing to complete a vast US-EU trade pact that could spur much-needed economic growth. After talks in the northern town of Hanover where tens of thousands marched Saturday against the […]

Merkel Drubbed At The Ballot Box: ‘People Voted AGAINST Her Migrant Policy’

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party suffered a major setback in key state polls Sunday over her liberal refugee policy, while the right-wing populist AfD recorded a surge as it scooped up support from angry voters. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) lost in two of three states in regional elections, and scored a historic low in […]

WATCH: ‘Angela Merkel You Have Killed Germany!’ – 16 Year Old Girl’s Migrant Fears Video That Some Claim Facebook Are ‘Censoring’

“Please help us!… It is… very hard to live day-to-day as a woman” says 16 year old Bibi Wilhailm, a German girl who has uploaded her personal experiences of Arab and Muslim migrants in a new video that some claim is being censored by Facebook under it’s new “hate speech” guidelines. The 20 minute video, apparently created by […]

Cologne Won’t Stop Merkel From Welcoming More Refugees

The German nationalist group Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) hosted a rally in Cologne on Saturday which drew more than 1,700 people. Things at one point got a little too rowdy for the riot squads patrolling the event and the police turned water cannons on the crowd. The fact that water […]

New York Times: Germany Should Close Borders, Conduct Mass Deportations, AND Merkel Must Resign

From the New York Times: ON New Year’s Eve, in the shadow of Cologne’s cathedral, crowds of North African and Middle Eastern men accosted women out for the night’s festivities. They surrounded them, groped them, robbed them. Two women were reportedly raped. Though there were similar incidents from Hamburg to Helsinki, the authorities at first […]

Angela Merkel, Paul Ryan, and the Islamization of America

German chancellor Angela Merkel — easily Europe’s most important leader for years, Time’s and the Financial Times’ “Person of the Year,” etc., etc. — made an important statement at her party’s convention last week, especially notable since it came from her. Via the Washington Post:  “Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’” […]

Angela Merkel Plots To Overthrow Her People

Angela Merkel, elected for life, or for what seems like an eternity, squints at ordinary Germans from behind the parapets of her usurped authority. The German chancellor has signaled her express intention to foist a new identity on the German people, whether they like it or not, and without the broad consent of her citizens […]

PICTURES: Anti-Migrant Protests Explode in Europe, Call for Merkel to Resign

The anti-mass migration Alternativ fĂźr Deutschland (AfD) party held a rally in the German capital Berlin this afternoon, demanding the resignation of Chancellor Angela Merkel and calling for the country to adopt a strong policy on immigration. The AfD has seen its popularity surge as Germany struggles to deal with the huge influx of migrants, […]

Former Interior Minister Warns Merkel: Germany Is Importing “Islamist Extremism, Anti-Semitism, And Conflicts Of Other Nations”

Germany’s security experts have rounded on the country’s leader, Chancellor Angela Merkel, warning that her immigration policy will “produce extremists”, and stating that the country is importing “Islamist extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, [and] national and ethnic conflicts of other nations”. Former Interior Secretary August Hanning told Die Welt Am Sonntag (the World on Sunday): “The German security authorities are […]
