July 26, 2024

‘Someone Could Tuck a Bomb on a Truck’: U.S. Officials Warn Biden’s Gaza Aid Plan Could Endanger Troops

U.S. officials warned that President Joe Biden’s plan for the U.S. military to build a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza could endanger U.S. troops, even if he has pledged there will be no boots on the ground in Gaza, according to a report. NBC News reported Saturday that current and former administration officials

NBC’s Tur: Israel ‘Says’ They Warn Palestinians, But ‘Hard to Believe’ People Don’t Listen

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” host and NBC News Correspondent Katy Tur stated that while “Israel says they’re warning” Palestinian civilians of strikes, “I find it hard to believe that if a mother or a father was warned that they’re in danger, that a bomb might be coming toward them, that they

Never Trumpers Warn Democrats: Ditch Biden for Whitmer, Warnock

The anti-Donald Trump publication The Bulwark published a column on Thursday urging Democrats to ditch President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in favor of a presidential ticket featuring Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA). The outlet cited Biden’s age, Harris’s low approval rating, and Trump’s strengthening position in the

‘TRANTIFA:’ Experts warn of ‘increasing trend’ of extremism and violence from far-left transgender activists

From shootings to riots, Antifa and feminist experts warn that radical transgender activists are growing increasingly violent and extreme, with some using the term “Trantifa” to describe the phenomenon. While Antifa is the far-left “anti-fascist” militant movement often associated with black clothing, face-masks and violent protest, the new term “Trantifa” has been “coined on social […]

NYC Mayor Adams, health commissioner warn New Yorkers to mask up as air quality dips to worst since 1960s

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and city health and emergency management officials warned residents to stay inside as much as possible and mask up Wednesday, as smoke drifting from Canadian wildfires impacted the city. “This air quality event, which for a time yesterday, gave us the worst air quality in New York City since […]

London’s Green Emissions Tax Will Result in France-Style Revolt, Protesters Warn

Protesters in London have warned that Sadiq Khan’s green emissions tax on cars will likely result in a France-style revolt. Numerous Londoners involved in protesting Sadiq Khan’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion plan have warned that the glorified green tax will likely result in widespread unrest similar to that seen in France earlier this year.

Exclusive: Writers Guild of America Leaders Warn of Shrinking Hollywood Middle Class as Writers Strike

Hollywood went on shut down this week when the Writers Guild of America (WGA) enacted an industry-wide strike on both coasts after negotiations failed with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). Breitbart News attended the second day of picketing this week to hear from the writers on exactly what they hoped to

Top Senate Republicans Urge Biden to Keep Title 42, Warn of ‘Untenable’ Illegal Migrant Surge

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and all Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee called on President Joe Biden on Wednesday to preserve the Title 42 border barrier, which will expire next week. “We write today to implore you to reverse your decision to end the Title 42 public health order,” wrote McConnell, ranking member

House committee staffers face no pay if speaker isn’t decided by Jan. 13, officials warn

The impact on committee staff is just one of many domino effects from the conference’s speaker struggle. | Patrick Semansky/AP Photo House Republicans’ fight over the speaker’s gavel could have an unintended victim: their staff. New guidelines sent to committees on Thursday and obtained exclusively by POLITICO lay out a messy, complicated process for how

Kurds Warn Islamic State ‘Back with a Vengeance’ in Iraq

Kurdish Gen. Sirwan Barzani warned in an April 6 interview updated Monday that the Islamic State is “coming back with a vengeance” in Iraq, and while ISIS is currently focused on guerrilla fighting and terrorist attacks on civilians, it aspires to “make a powerful comeback” and once again control territory as a caliphate. “There’s still…

Experts Warn Congress a North Korean EMP Attack Could Kill Almost All Americans – VIDEO

North Korea launching a nuclear weapon toward the United States isn’t actually the worst-case scenario, some experts warn. Far more devastating to the entire country would be a nuclear electromagnetic pulse bomb, which they say has the potential to kill “90 percent of all Americans” within one year. During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing […]

Paul Ryan, House GOP Leaders Warn Obama: Stop Appeasing Iran in Your Final Days

Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis.) sent a letter Tuesday to President Barack Obama demanding the president end his program of normalizing the Islamic Republic of Iran and undoing American sanctions on the terrorist-supporting state. Ryan, who was joined on the letter by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R.-Calif.) and Rep. Edward Royce (R.-Calif.), the chairman […]


(Washington, DC): Ever since Richard Nixon opened relations with Communist China, Chinese intentions have been a matter of incessant and often fevered speculation in this country. In particular, national security and regional experts, non-governmental organizations and office-holders alike have endlessly debated whether the People’s Republic of China could be brought into a U.S.-dominated international order […]

OBAMACARE BLEEDING OUT: Insurers warn losses unsustainable…

Health insurance companies are amplifying their warnings about the financial sustainability of the ObamaCare marketplaces as they seek approval for premium increases next year. Insurers say they are losing money on their ObamaCare plans at a rapid rate, and some have begun to talk about dropping out of the marketplaces altogether. “Something has to give,” […]

REPUBLICANS warn ISIS fighters could infiltrate US as refugees

Republican lawmakers are pushing the administration on its vetting of Syrian refugees amid plans to increase the number accepted into the United States each year. Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary of State John Kerry and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson warning that fighters […]

Meet the Marine Major Being Punished For Sharing Classified Information To Warn Against An Attack

As the situation surrounding Hillary Clinton’s possession of top secret, classified information on her personal email server continues to get worse, comparisons between the former Secretary of State and those prosecuted for improper handling of classified information are being made. Of course, the case of General David Petraeus has come up, but there are others […]

Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Will Harm Religious Freedom, Marginalize Biblical Worldview, Russell Moore, Tony Perkins, Samuel Rodriguez Warn

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling Friday that the Fourteenth Amendment requires all 50 states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, numerous social conservative and religious groups are calling the court’s ruling an abuse of judicial power and a decision that could hurt religious liberty in America. Among the numerous commenters, […]
