July 27, 2024

UK Population Rose by More Than 4 Million Since 2011 to Record 67.6 Million Amid Mass Migration

The population of the United Kingdom rose by nearly seven per cent between 2011 and 2022 to an estimated 67.6 million, an increase of over four million people mostly as a result of the mass migration policies of the supposedly Conservative government. Population figures released on Tuesday from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the

FLASHBACK: Obama Suspended Iraq Refugee Program for Six Months Over Terrorism Fears in 2011

TEL AVIV – Amid the furor over President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily halting refugees while the government can revamp its flawed screening process, it may be instructive to recall that President Obama in 2011 reportedly quietly suspended the Iraq refugee program for six months over terrorism fears. In 2013, ABC News first revealed that […]

MORE HYPOCRISY: Obama Banned all Iraqi Refugees for 6 Months in 2011 – Liberals SAID NOTHING!

Protests erupted at JFK’s terminal 4 on Saturday after incoming refugees were detained by customs and border patrol agents following Trump’s executive order temporarily banning refugees from 7 Muslim countries. Of course, back in 2011 when Barack Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months the far left said nothing! In 2011 the US discovered Al-Qaeda […]

Iraq’s Decline into Chaos Traces Back to 2011 (OBAMA), Not 2003 (BUSH)

Shia militia battle ISIS forces in Anbar province. (Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP/Getty; NRO) Ramadi falls. The Iraqi army flees. The great 60-nation anti–Islamic State coalition so grandly proclaimed by the Obama administration is nowhere to be seen. Instead, it’s the defense minister of Iran who flies into Baghdad, an unsubtle demonstration of who’s in charge — while […]
