July 27, 2024

Mark Judge, Republicans Shred Christine Blasey Ford’s Memoir Reviving Brett Kavanaugh Accusation

Mark Judge and other online Republicans have been shredding Christine Blasey Ford’s new memoir that aims to revive her infamous 2018 accusations against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Since its release on Tuesday, the corporate media have been heaping praise on Christine Blasey Ford’s book, One Way Back: A Memoir, hailing it as a triumphant

Top Banker Christine Lagarde Warns Trump ‘Clearly a Threat’ to Europe

Leon Neal/Getty A return to the White House for former President Donald Trump Donald is “clearly a threat” to Europe judging by the America-first nature of his policies last time, European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde cautioned Thursday. The French globalist lawyer turned career bureaucrat made her claim of a potential misalignment between a

Kevin Costner settles divorce, will give Christine Baumgartner more money than prenup dictated

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner have settled their brutal divorce after four months of battling it out. TMZ reported Tuesday morning that the model signed off on a three-page settlement agreement after a judge informed her that their prenuptial agreement would be enforced. As a result, Baumgartner would have had to repay Costner more than […]

Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Is Representing One Of Andrew Cuomo’s Accusers

The lawyer who represented Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser is representing one of the women who has accused Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment.  “He was abusing his power over her for sex,” Debra Katz said of Cuomo. “This is textbook sexual harassment.”  Katz represented Christine Blasey Ford in September 2018.…

Prosecutor’s Senate Report Outlines 9 Reasons Why Christine Blasey Ford Not Credible.

Rachel Mitchell, the veteran sex crimes prosecutor chosen by Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to question Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, has filed a report that points out Ford’s inconsistencies and apparent deceptions. “In the legal context, here is my bottom line,” she writes. “A ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly […]

7 Inconsistencies or Gaps Identified by Christine Blasey Ford’s Questioner.

The woman who accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teens tells a story with multiple inconsistencies, the sex crimes prosecutor who questioned her has told Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee. A “reasonable prosecutor” would not move forward based on this evidence, the veteran sex crimes prosecutor said. […]

HOLY CRAP! Christine Ford’s Stanford Bio Page WAS ALTERED — Updated 10 Days Before Hearing.

During testimony Thursday in front of Senate Judiciary Committee Christine Ford identified herself as a “Research Psychologist” at the Stanford School of Medicine. However a search through the Department of Consumer Affairs License Bureau produced NO RESULTS for Christine Ford or deviations of her name. Earlier this week NPR explained why they don’t call Christine […]

Body Language Expert Catches Dr. Christine Ford in Several Lies, Insists: “Something’s Wrong Mentally” (VIDEO)

The body language expert analyzed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifying to her allegations that Judge Kavanaugh sexually abused her 36 years ago.  The overall analysis is that “Something’s Wrong Mentally” with Dr. Ford. The video below is riveting and can probably be summed up in a section where the body language expert described Dr. Ford’s […]

Christine Ford testifies Kavanaugh ‘sexually assaulted me,’ rejects mistaken identity theory.

Christine Blasey Ford, appearing in public for the first time Thursday to testify on her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, told lawmakers in no uncertain terms that the Supreme Court nominee “sexually assaulted me” and insisted she is not mistaking him for another person. Ford wrapped up her dramatic testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on […]

Developing => Christine Ford Arrives to Hearing – Grassley Delivers Opening Remarks – LIVE FEED

Accuser Christine Ford arrived to the Dirksen building just after 10:00 AM ET. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) began the hearing by delivering opening statements. Grassley asked for a civil, respectful hearing and apologized to both Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh for the last two weeks. Senator Grassley also blasted Dianne Feinstein for sitting […]


A fourth alleged witness in Christine Blasey Ford’s alleged sexual assault accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh has denied the allegations. Leland Ingham Keyser says she has no recollection of EVER BEING AT A PARTY with Brett Kavanaugh and does not know him. Ms. Keyser is a lifelong friend of Christine Blasey Ford. THERE ARE NO WITNESSES WHO […]

UPDATE: Christine Ford’s Unhinged Attorney Is Wearing Radical Socialist Power Fist T-Shirt at anti-Trump Protest (VIDEO)

In the past week anti-Trump activist Christine Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of groping her over her swimsuit sometime around 36 years ago at an unknown place. The three men she accused of being present during the incident have all vehemently denied her accusations. Ford picked at least two far left attorneys to represent her […]

Juanita Broaddrick Offers to Fill in for Christine Blasey Ford if She Can’t Make it on Monday.

Accuser Christine Ford’s attorneys said in an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that Ford is open to testifying next week–but not on Monday. Once again, Christine Ford and her attorneys think they run the Senate. On Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote, citing Committee rules, that Christine Ford has until Friday morning […]

BREAKING REPORT: Christine Blasey Ford Goes Into Hiding – Still Ignoring Senate Requests to Testify.

Far-left activist Christine Blasey Ford has gone into hiding, according to a report from the New York Times. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said as of 6:40 PM ET that he still had not heard back from Ford’s lawyer regarding Monday’s hearing. It is now believed Christine Blasey Ford has moved out of her residence, […]
