July 26, 2024

The ‘Based’ Congressman Representing Detroit in His Unique Way

Congressman Shri Thanedar is desperate to go viral.He hangs out with Democratic Socialists. He proudly touts that one of his office numbers is “420.” And he loves the “Big D.”The “Big D” is how he once referred to Detroit in a since-deleted tweet from early April that included a photo of him standing and smiling

Gloria Allred Representing Halyna Hutchins’ Family in New Lawsuit Against Alec Baldwin

High-profile attorney Gloria Allred is representing the family of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins’ in a new lawsuit against actor Alec Baldwin, who fatally shot Hutchins in October 2021. Allred announced in a press release on Thursday that she will be representing the Hutchins family in their new suit against the disgraced actor, according to multiple reports. Inbox: “Attorney

Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Is Representing One Of Andrew Cuomo’s Accusers

The lawyer who represented Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser is representing one of the women who has accused Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment.  “He was abusing his power over her for sex,” Debra Katz said of Cuomo. “This is textbook sexual harassment.”  Katz represented Christine Blasey Ford in September 2018.…

‘This Is Political Theater’: Alan Dershowitz Refuses To Defend Trump In Senate Impeachment Trial After Representing Him In First One

January 15, 2021 10:58 AM ET Attorney Alan Dershowitz said he likely won’t be joining President Donald Trump’s legal team if a second Senate impeachment trial is held, The Boston Globe reported Thursday. Dershowitz represented Trump in the president’s Senate impeachment trial in 2020, in which he was acquitted of both charges of abuse of…
