July 26, 2024

Climate Alarmists Shame COP28 into Overtime Deal to Abandon Fossil Fuels

The COP28 climate conference in Dubai seemed to be heading for an anticlimax on Tuesday, as the last scheduled day of negotiations passed without reaching the top goal of the climate movement: a worldwide agreement to phase out fossil fuels. The conferees went into “overtime,” however, and were able to hammer out a “historic” deal

MSNBC Members Use Photo from 2019 to Shame Miami Spring Breakers over Coronavirus

Reporters and contributors from MSNBC attempted to shame Florida’s spring break tourism boom — with a photograph from a year before the coronavirus pandemic began. “Today’s center of the #COVIDIOTS universe is Miami Beach, Florida,” MSNBC analyst and University of Miami professor Fernand R. Amandi tweeted Sunday morning. Accompanying the message was a picture of…

Luis Gutierrez, Have you no Shame?

When amnesty-loving Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-IL, walked out of the State of the Union amid chants of “USA!” “USA!”, he once again revealed his hatred for America and his loathing of the heroes that gave him the freedom to make an absolute fool of himself. Gutierrez, who claimed he had to leave early for a […]

‘Shame! Shame!’ Protesters Block Ed Sec Betsy DeVos from Entering School

Twitter video screenshot of a protester yelling at Ed Sec Betsy DeVos. Early on Thursday morning, a group of protesters physically blocked Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from entering a school in Washington, D.C., yelling at her and even blocking her van when she attempted to leave. “Keep giving money to senators and buying your way […]

BREAKING: Trump Makes HUGE Announcement About LA Floods That Puts Obama To Shame

Unlike President Barack Hussein Obama, who continues to vacation in Martha’s Vineyard as if nothing was happening, GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump cares. He cares about the tens of thousands of Louisiana residents who have had their homes snatched away from them because of some of the worst floods to have hit that area since […]

WATCH => ‘Shame’: Wasserman Schultz’s First DNC Event Goes About As Well As You’d Expect

PHILADELPHIA — After announcing her resignation late Sunday night, embattled DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed and heckled at a Florida delegation breakfast Monday morning. A set of leaked DNC emails ahead of the national convention caused consternation among many in the party, especially supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, as they appeared to showed […]


It is rare that politicians step into the nightmare of shame that is today’s nursing home industry in an effort to protect the innocent and condemn an industry rife with greed and substandard care. “Nursing homes are rapidly becoming nothing other than legalized scams…a place to ‘warehouse’ the elderly, suck away their money, treat them […]
