July 27, 2024

Lockdown King Howard Stern Reveals He Paused Show After Finally Getting Coronavirus

Howard Stern, who locked himself in a bunker for months during the pandemic, revealed on Monday that he paused his SiriusXM show after contracting the coronavirus for the first time. “See if we can get through this show. We were supposed to be back last week. We weren’t,” Stern said. “Because I got COVID-19.” The

Report: Only 3% of Americans Received Annual Coronavirus Shot

A report shows that only three percent of Americans have received their annual coronavirus shot despite the Biden administration’s insistence that the CDC is now “on track” to match last year’s numbers. As noted by Politico, even if the Biden administration were to match last year’s coronavirus shot numbers, it would only equal “17 percent

Judge Rules NYC Must Reinstate 10 Teachers After Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine

Judge Rules NYC Must Reinstate 10 Teachers After Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images Ten employees terminated by officials with the New York City Department of Education for refusing to take the Chinese coronavirus vaccine must be reinstated, a New York judge said Wednesday, adding they must also be given their backpay. State

Chinese Holiday Travel Surges to over 42 Million Despite Coronavirus Wave

China’s Ministry of Transportation reported on Saturday that over 42 million people have traveled by car, train, ship, and plane during the early days of the long Lunar New Year travel season, and over 2 billion trips will have been taken by the time the holiday is done, even though a massive wave of coronavirus

W.H.O.’s Tedros ‘Very Concerned’ About China Coronavirus Disaster

World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared on Wednesday that he is “very concerned” about the coronavirus situation in China, where the Communist Party lifted some of its draconian lockdown measures with seemingly minimal preparation, resulting in large numbers of infections and potential deaths. The Chinese government announced in early December it would

DeSantis Petitioning FL Supreme Court to Impanel a Statewide Grand Jury to Investigate Coronavirus Vaccines

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday announced his decision to petition Florida’s Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury tasked with investigating any “wrongdoing” related to the vaccines for Chinese coronavirus. “Today, I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing

Watch: Chinese Workers Test Fishermen’s Live Catch for Coronavirus

The local government of Xiamen, China, recently ordered municipal workers to test both fishermen and their catch, including “live fish” and crabs, for the Chinese coronavirus out of alleged concern that international fishing activity in the area may have sparked local outbreaks of the virus, the Chinese government-controlled news outlet Sixth Tone reported Thursday. “[L]ocal…

CDC Ends Differentiation of Unvaccinated Under Coronavirus Guidelines

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its coronavirus guidelines to end the differentiation of the unvaccinated. Released Thursday, the new guidelines make a variety of changes that would have been unthinkable a year or even six months ago, including a lift on mandatory quarantines for individuals exposed to the virus, an…

Poll: Majority of Democrats Believe Chinese Coronavirus Originated from Lab in China

A Politico-Harvard poll revealed on Friday that a majority of Democrats believe the Chinese coronavirus originated from a lab in China. “The new survey shows 52 percent believe the virus came out of a lab, including 59 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats, while 28 percent said it was from an infected animal,”…

Zimbabwe Joins Growing Number of African Countries Rejecting Coronavirus Vaccines

Zimbabwe’s government on Sunday rejected an African Union donation of three million doses of the Chinese coronavirus vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson “citing lack of storage facilities” for the shots, the online newspaper New Zimbabwe reported on Monday. The secretary of Zimbabwe’s finance ministry, George Guvamatanga, turned down the donation in a letter addressed…

US Officials Discussed Coronavirus Response With Wall Street Firm That Grew 144% During Pandemic, Emails Show

Top Federal Reserve, Treasury Department and White House leaders discussed the U.S. economic recovery with billion-dollar firm BlackRock amid the coronavirus outbreak last year, The New York Times reported. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin consulted with BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink multiple times throughout the pandemic even as the Wall…

Two Passengers on ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Cruise Ship Test Positive for the Chinese Coronavirus

Two passengers aboard a “fully vaccinated” cruise ship tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus as revealed in the ship’s required end-of-cruise testing, Celebrity Cruises announced on Thursday. A Celebrity Cruises spokesperson told USA Today the positive tests were discovered at the required end-of-cruise testing, “which is completed 72-hours before returning to the United States.” “Today, two guests sharing…

U.S. Offers 750,000 Coronavirus Vaccine Doses to Taiwan After China Blocks Access

The United States government plans to donate 750,000 doses of a Chinese coronavirus vaccine to Taiwan, a delegation of U.S. senators visiting Taipei announced on Sunday. U.S. senators Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Christopher Coons (D-DE), and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) announced the planned vaccine donation on June 6 shortly after arriving in Taipei for a brief visit…

Poll: 58% Believe ‘Definitely or Probably True’ Coronavirus Originated in Wuhan Lab

Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults believe it is “definitely or probably true” the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab. The Economist/YouGov poll asked respondents, “Regardless of whether or not it was created or naturally mutated, do you believe it is true or false that a laboratory in China was the origin of the virus responsible…

Nolte: Andrew Cuomo Under Federal Investigation for VIP Coronavirus Testing Scandal

The far-left New York Times reports that disgraced Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is currently under federal investigation over credible allegations that he gave friends, family, and supporters special access to coronavirus testing. “Federal prosecutors have been looking into whether Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s administration granted special access to rapid coronavirus test results for the governor’s…

Study: AstraZeneca/Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Cocktail ‘Safe and Effective’

A study by a Spanish clinical institute, local media reported Tuesday, found that administering one dose of the Chinese coronavirus vaccine by European firm AstraZeneca and one of the vaccine by American company Pfizer is “safe and effective.” Pfizer’s product, developed in conjunction with European company BioNTech, enjoys one of the world’s best reputations in…

Coronavirus: Malaysia Converts Shipping Container to Morgue

Malaysia’s health ministry converted a shipping container into a makeshift morgue on Sunday in the western state of Selangor as proper morgues have reached capacity in the state amid a recent surge in new Chinese coronavirus infections and deaths. “The first container was set up at the Sungai Buloh Hospital in Selangor, and can fit up…

Ontario, Canada, Bans Outdoor Recreation Citing Alleged Coronavirus Risk

Ontario, Canada’s government on Thursday extended a Chinese coronavirus stay-at-home order through June 2 that includes a ban on outdoor recreational activity. Ontario Premier Doug Ford said on May 13 that he ordered the lockdown extension — in place since April 8 — to curb Chinese coronavirus transmissions across the central Canadian province and “save…

NIH Director: We Never Approved Support for Gain of Function on Coronavirus, ‘Can’t Absolutely Prevent’ Someone Who Wants to Deceive

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that the NIH did not approve “any grant that would have supported gain of function research on dangerous coronaviruses to see if they could be more transmissible or lethal for individuals in the human species.” Collins did say that…

White House Cuts Coronavirus Briefings to Twice a Week

White House coronavirus officials announced Tuesday they would only brief reporters twice a week about the ongoing fight against the virus. “We are going to be moving our press briefing calls from three days per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday going forward to twice per week on Tuesdays and Fridays,” White House Senior Advisor…

Texas Sues Biden for Exempting Border Crossers from Coronavirus Rules

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s administration, alleging that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has exempted border crossers from emergency Chinese coronavirus public health regulations, spurring a public health crisis at the United States-Mexico border. The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, claims that the Biden administration has increasingly…

CDC Chief Rochelle Walensky Blames Youth Sports for Coronavirus Uptick

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has blamed the return of youth sports for an uptick in coronavirus cases across the country. “We are learning that many outbreaks in young people are related to youth sports and extracurricular activities,’’ Walensky said at a White House briefing on Monday, the New York Post…

Paris Deploys 6,600 Police to Enforce New Coronavirus Rules

PARIS – French hospitals brought in extra staff for the Easter holiday weekend to cope with more coronavirus patients. With a new virus variant spreading fast and French intensive care units as full as they were last April, the government closed all schools and imposed new rules taking effect nationwide on Sunday. In Paris, police…

‘Trial Run’ of Domestic Coronavirus Passports in Britain Expected Within Weeks: Report

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will reportedly introduce a trial run for domestic coronavirus passports, testing the scheme at a few high profile events over the coming weeks. Despite growing backlash from within his own party against the idea of coronavirus passports, Johnson’s government is said to be preparing an announcement of a trial run of…

Exclusive – Ted Cruz Amendment Would Block Stimulus Checks for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Package

An amendment by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to the proposed coronavirus relief package passed out of the House last week would ensure that stimulus checks are not awarded to illegal aliens living in the United States, Breitbart News has exclusively learned. Senate Democrats opened debate on the $1.9 trillion relief package without any GOP support,…

MSNBC Members Use Photo from 2019 to Shame Miami Spring Breakers over Coronavirus

Reporters and contributors from MSNBC attempted to shame Florida’s spring break tourism boom — with a photograph from a year before the coronavirus pandemic began. “Today’s center of the #COVIDIOTS universe is Miami Beach, Florida,” MSNBC analyst and University of Miami professor Fernand R. Amandi tweeted Sunday morning. Accompanying the message was a picture of…

Report: Biden Administration to Vaccinate Terrorists First, Will Offer Coronavirus Vaccine to Gitmo Detainees

AP Photo/Francisco Seco, Pool The Biden administration plans to offer coronavirus vaccines to detainees held at the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, the New York Times reported on Thursday evening. According to the report, the Pentagon will offer the coronavirus vaccine, which remains in high demand, to the terror suspects “possibly starting next week,…

Mitch McConnell: Joe Biden ‘Inherited’ Coronavirus Vaccine Fast Track

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) criticized President Joe Biden on Monday, saying he “inherited” a fast track for coronavirus vaccines and questioning why he wants to restrict certain gatherings until July 4th. “Why did President Biden tell Americans to wait until July 4th to gather in ways that cities, states, and the CDC approve…

Reactions to House Passed Coronavirus Bill: ‘Democrats Are Living in Fantasy Land’

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus package on Wednesday with one Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), voting against the measure. All House Republicans voted against the bill. The reaction to the package passing mostly towed party lines. President Joe Biden retweeted, “Help is here,” in celebration of the legislation that only allocates nine…

Senate Passes Partisan $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Package

The $1.9 trillion coronavirus package, which includes $1,400 stimulus payments and $350 billion to cities and states, passed the Senate Saturday afternoon 50 to 49. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) was absent due to a family emergency. ****50-49**** Amended $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed and sent back to the House, which still needs to pass it.…
