July 26, 2024

Super PAC Expands Attack to New Hampshire; Maggie Hassan ‘Extremist’

A conservative super PAC that has run ads in New York State and Arizona attacking incumbent Senate Democrats for a “corrupt bargain” with the far-left is expanding its campaign to New Hampshire, where it will target “extremist” Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH). Hassan currently enjoys a lead in the high single digits over Republican challenger Don Bolduc…

Dems’ Climate Bill Overrules Supreme Court, Expands EPA’s Control Over Energy Industry

The Inflation Reduction Act defines “air pollutants” including carbon dioxide as “greenhouse gases.” Some experts argue this legally authorizes the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases and encourage adopting renewable energy, while others were not so sure. “There’s no definition there, it’s just sort of in a list, and it’s casually mentioned,” former Trump EPA transition team…

FBI’s Clinton probe expands to public corruption track

EXCLUSIVE: The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the record told Fox News. This new investigative track is in addition […]

Across Africa, Obama Expands Secret Wars, Assassinations

While most of the press has focused on Obama’s military machinations in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, the administration has also been quietly expanding its secret wars and assassination programs across Africa. From training the militaries of various unsavory regimes and boosting the military capabilities of the so-called African Union, to establishing drone bases to facilitate […]

Obama Expands Obamacare Protections For The Transgendered

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a planned new regulation Thursday that will require health insurers participating in Obamacare to cover more health procedures sought by the transgendered. The new rule applies to every health insurer offering plans through Healthcare.gov or any of the state-run Obamacare insurance exchanges. It declares that insurers […]
