July 26, 2024

California Leads Nation In Poverty But Governor Jerry Brown Launching State Satellite To Monitor Global Warming.

Yesterday, we noted that California now leads the nation in poverty. Where is Governor Jerry Brown placing his priorities? On fighting global warming, naturally. Like many progressives, the far left governor is obsessed with climate change and is planning to launch a satellite to monitor the situation. The Daily Caller has the story: GOV. BROWN […]

The Success of Socialist Candidates Would Mean a Return to Poverty and Tyranny.

On Tuesday, two veterans of the 2016 campaign launched by self-identified socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) won important upsets in Democratic primaries. Sanders himself congratulated Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and former NAACP Chair Ben Jealous, who each defeated rivals endorsed by the Democratic Party. Their victories have been hailed […]

Former Professor Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Mission Creep’

The Southern Poverty Law Center is supposedly an expert on targeting hate groups. We’ve exposed how they are not great at their jobs. Instead of making us aware of actual hate, too often the group targets organizations that protect religious freedom and believe in traditional marriage. Case in point, how on earth are Alliance Defending […]

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is the Most Dangerous Hate Group in America

Which is more insidious, the enemy that you recognize or the enemy that appears to be your friend? Which is more dangerous, a rag-tag bunch of poorly-funded White Supremacists or a well-organized, massively-funded, “civil rights” organization which demonizes Christian conservatives? And which lie is more likely to spread, one that is false from beginning to […]

Pope Francis Doesn’t Understand How to Alleviate Poverty

Pope Francis embodies sanctity but comes trailing clouds of sanctimony. With a convert’s indiscriminate zeal, he embraces ideas impeccably fashionable, demonstrably false, and deeply reactionary. They would devastate the poor on whose behalf he purports to speak — if his policy prescriptions were not as implausible as his social diagnoses are shrill. Supporters of Francis […]
