February 8, 2025

Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Must Take Paternity Test, Judge Rules

DALLAS (AP) — A judge has upheld a decision requiring Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones to take a paternity test as part of a legal dispute with a 27-year-old woman who claims the billionaire is her biological father. A Texas judge on Wednesday rejected an appeal from Jones of a 2022 ruling in a paternity

Jerry Nadler Says 2-Year-Olds Should Have Worn Masks During Pandemic: ‘Child Abuse’ to Do Otherwise

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) endorsed mask mandates for two-year-olds in remarks on the House floor on Wednesday, cautioning toddlers should have been “required” to mask up as coronavirus spread across the country. He further declared parents who refused to do so engaged in “child abuse.” “Two-year-olds should have been required to wear masks,” Nadler said. “It

Rock ‘n’ Roll Legend Jerry Lee Lewis, ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Singer, Dies at 87

(AP) —  Jerry Lee Lewis, the untamable rock ‘n’ roll pioneer whose outrageous talent, energy and ego collided on such definitive records as “Great Balls of Fire” and “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” and sustained a career otherwise upended by personal scandal, died Friday morning at 87. The last survivor of a generation of groundbreaking…

California Leads Nation In Poverty But Governor Jerry Brown Launching State Satellite To Monitor Global Warming.

Yesterday, we noted that California now leads the nation in poverty. Where is Governor Jerry Brown placing his priorities? On fighting global warming, naturally. Like many progressives, the far left governor is obsessed with climate change and is planning to launch a satellite to monitor the situation. The Daily Caller has the story: GOV. BROWN […]

Is California Governor Jerry Brown Mentally Ill?

Leftists are relentlessly selling their bogus narrative that Trump is insane. Here are samples of Leftists’ headlines: “Lawmakers Met With Psychiatrist About Trump’s Mental Health,” “President Trump’s Mental State An ‘Enormous Present Danger,’” “The Awkward Debate Around Trump’s Mental Fitness,” “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists Assess”. So what has Trump done to […]


It is time for our government to take action against those not following our Constitution and laws. Each addressee has an obligation to we the people.  Judicial Watch please take the lead. Americans will tell you that they have a deep abiding love for justice, for law and order, so why is it that they […]

Jerry Falwell Jr: Trump Coined Term ‘Fake News,’ Now He Should Say ‘Fake Republicans’

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. said Friday that it’s time President Donald Trump called out Republicans who are failing in their duty, just like how he called out the “fake news” media. Falwell spoke during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News, in which Hannity mentioned Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of […]

Jerry Falwell Jr.: GOP Elites Are Meeting Regularly – Plotting To Take Down Trump Before Election (VIDEO)

On Monday Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, told Rita Cosby that GOP elites may have leaked the Donald Trump sex talk tape to the Washington Post. On Tuesday Falwell Jr. went on with Lou Dobbs to discuss the leaked Trump audio.  Falwell told Dobbs GOP elites were plotting to destroy […]
