July 27, 2024

Sen. Cruz: Biden ‘Willing to Tank the Economy’ with Debt Ceiling Stalemate

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that President Joe Biden was “willing to tank the economy” over the debt ceiling debate. Cruz said, “It is really unfortunate to see how Joe Biden is approaching this job. It is all politics all the time and he consistency goes to

Classified Documents Found in Biden’s Think Tank Involved Ukraine, Iran, UK

This was a crime since the documents were taken when Joe Biden left his position as Vice President. Unlike former presidents who are able to declassify any documents, Biden did not have that authority. Hillary Clinton also committed a crime when she destroyed over 30,000 classified documents that she had in an illegal server at […]

Golden Globes TV Ratings Tank – Americans Turned Off by Hollywood Hypocrites.

The Golden Globes ratings were down again this year. It probably didn’t help that the Hollywood hypocrites announced they would lecture the nation on sexual abuse at the annual festivities. This is how everyone looked at Oprah during her speech at the Golden Globeshttps://t.co/nAM9td1Q7c pic.twitter.com/oKu5UUcJs5 — BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) January 8, 2018 Oprah Winfrey led the […]
