July 26, 2024

Hezbollah Fires Hundreds of Rockets After Israel Takes Out Senior Commander

Leo Correa / Associated Press Hezbollah, the Iran-backed terrorist illegally occupying southern Lebanon, fired hundreds of rockets at Israel overnight into Wednesday morning after an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strike on a senior Hezbollah commander. IAF aircraft eliminated Sami Taleb Abdullah, the commander of the Nasr Unit in the Hezbollah terrorist organization, last night. This

Israeli Commandos Operating Inside Lebanon to Remove Hezbollah

Joel Pollak / Breitbart News Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commandos are already operating inside southern Lebanon to attack and remove Hezbollah positions near the border, Breitbart News can report. The Israeli media revealed Monday that four IDF troops were wounded in an operation near the Lebanese border, when they were targeted by an explosive devide.

Reports: Hezbollah Fans Mock Hamas Leaders for Living in Luxury While Gazans Suffer

Iran’s terrorist proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has conspicuously decided to back away from supporting Hamas in its war against Israel. On Monday, Hezbollah operatives rejected Hamas demands for assistance and mocked Hamas leaders for living comfortably in Qatar while the people of Gaza suffer. The subject of Hezbollah’s contempt was former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal

What is the difference between the Middle East’s Hezbollah and Hamas groups?

The Israeli government faces another potential threat on its northern border: Lebanon’s Hezbollah. The Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah fired rockets at Israel Sunday, joining Hamas’ offensive attacks. Hezbollah has previously clashed with Israel, leading to fears that the terror group may join the war with Hamas. Are Hezbollah and Hamas allies? Hamas and Hezbollah, both […]

3 Rockets Fired from Lebanon Land off Israel’s Coast; Hezbollah Reportedly Not Involved

Three rockets fired from Lebanon landed in the sea off Israel’s Mediterranean coast on Thursday evening, though the Hezbollah terror group was reportedly not involved. The Times of Israel reported: The Israel Defense Forces confirms that three rockets were fired from Lebanon toward the sea off Israel’s northern coast. The rockets caused no damage or…

Hezbollah South of the Border: A Rare U.S. Government Update.

February 16, 2018, Lebanon, Beirut: Hezbollah supporters sway flags during a memorial service in honor of three high-ranking Hezbollah representatives who were killed by Israelis. (Marwan Naamani/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images) As a working journalist in 2007, I traveled to Nicaragua to find out why Iran had just set up shop in the country after the election of […]

Pompeo: Iranian Proxy ‘Hezbollah Threatens Us Right Here in the Homeland’

WASHINGTON, DC — Hezbollah, Iran’s narco-terrorist proxy, “threatens” Americans in the U.S. homeland, Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of State (DOS), declared Thursday during his Senate confirmation hearing. Pompeo, who served as director of the CIA until he was recently chosen by President Trump to serve as secretary of state, […]

Deafening Media Silence on Obama Hezbollah Scandal.

“Swap out ‘Trump’ for ‘Obama’ and ‘Russia’ for ‘Iran’ and imagine the eruption these revelations would generate.” Virtually every day since the presidential election, the mainstream media has been obsessing over the myth of Donald Trump’s collusion with Russia to “steal” the election from Hillary Clinton. Not one iota of evidence for this has surfaced. […]

Congressman Demands Probe into Evidence Obama Admin Protected Hezbollah to Score Iran. Deal

A Republican congressman has called on a House panel to investigate the Obama administration’s reported interference in a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) task force probe against Hezbollah’s lucrative drug trafficking, money laundering, and arms smuggling activities in Latin America, all to ensure passage of the Iran nuclear deal. On Sunday, Politico revealed that Obama administration […]

SHOCK: Obama Helped Hezbollah To Secure Bogus Iran Deal. Here Are The Key Takeaways From Politico’s Report.

Zach Gibson/Getty Images A stunning report released on Sunday revealed that the Obama administration ended a major federal law enforcement operation that targeted the Iranian-sponsored terrorist group Hezbollah because it wanted to secure a nuclear deal with Iran — a deal that some experts have called a complete “joke.” The operation, named Project Cassandra, launched […]

Hezbollah Terrorists Entering Germany as Refugees

Chancellor Merkel sticks to her open doors policy and offers “shelter to those who deserve it.” Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open doors policy for fighting-age men from Arab and Muslim countries is a gift that keeps on giving. An alarming number of Hezbollah terrorists are entering Germany posing as refugees, reports Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post, citing […]

Hezbollah Leader: Trump Is Right, Obama Founded ISIS

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah agreed with Donald Trump in a speech on Saturday. The Shiite leaders told supporters the Obama administration founded ISIS. The Hill reported: The leader of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group agreed with Donald Trump when he said President Obama founded ISIS. “This is an American presidential candidate who is saying this. What […]

Hillary Emails: Intelligence Report Said Hezbollah Has Base in Cuba

A private intelligence report from Hillary Clinton’s confidant, Sid Blumenthal, claimed that Hezbollah, the Iran-backed terrorist organization, had set up shop in Cuba, according to an email released by the State Department over the weekend. The group was actively “casing” facilities related to U.S. interests, the intelligence report also says. The dispatch read: During the […]


Iran is already spending the enormous cash windfall Barack Obama is giving them on a heavy investment in terrorism, according to a report in the Times of Israel. “Since the deal was signed, Iran has significantly increased its financial support for two of the largest terror groups in the region that have become political players, […]

Great: Obama Administration to Empower Hezbollah, Iran with Arm Sales

And just when you thought that the Obama foreign policy couldn’t get any worse: Newly disclosed documents reveal that the Obama administration quietly decided in April to cut funds for Hayya Bina, a leading anti-Hezbollah group in Lebanon, “due to a recent shift in Department of State priorities in Lebanon,” according to a letter notifying […]

US terror report omitted Iran and Hezbollah

Iran and Hezbollah were not included on the US list of global terror threats this year. Some point to the nuclear negotiations as having influenced the decision.  An annual US security report on global terror threats prepared by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper did not include Iran or Hezbollah. Iran is a known and documented […]
