July 27, 2024

FBI: Jihadis Remain a Menace, But Domestic Terrorists from Left, Right Pose ‘Greatest’ Threat to U.S.

Domestic terrorists – such as racially motivated, anti-government, and anti-law enforcement violent extremists – may pose the “greatest” threat domestically this year and likely into 2022, a top FBI official told lawmakers Thursday. The official made those comments as she acknowledged that jihadis affiliated with al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) remain intent on conducting…

Islamic State Leader Baghdadi’s Top Aide Among Five Key Jihadis Captured.

A top aide to Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is among five senior members of the jihadi group captured in a sting operation by Iraqi authorities backed by the U.S. and Turkey. “The noose is tightening around” ISIS leader Baghdadi, Iraqi security adviser Hisham al-Hashimi told Reuters on Thursday, a day after Iraqi authorities […]

Spain: Five Islamic terrorists arrested about to sell 8,000 WEAPONS TO JIHADIS

Spanish police make arrests prior to sale of 8,000 weapons to Jihadis. 8,000 weapons. Something is indeed brewing. An arsenal of 8,000 weapons would equip a small army. This is war preparation. The Islamic State has previously warned us: “Worse than 9/11” coming, revenge for end of Muslim rule in Spain.   Spain’s TERROR MARKET: […]

Six of the Jihadis Involved in Paris Attacks Entered Europe as ‘Refugees’

Surviving Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam helped at least 10 Islamic State fighters enter Belgium as “refugees” through the Balkan route, local media reported Friday. Of these, six went on to participate in the terror attacks which struck Paris last November, and four were involved in the coordinated suicide bombings that hit Brussels in March. The […]

Islam in the West: Priests told ‘don’t wear collars in public’ over fears jihadis are planning attacks

This is the state of freedom in the West. But remember — Obama, Hillary and their attendant running dogs in the enemedia demand you repeat the daily mantra, “this has nothing to do with religion.” I am sure such warnings will be deemed “islamophobic.” Embrace the hate and violence of Islam, show how tolerant you […]

Pentagon announces transfer of two “veteran jihadis” from Gitmo: WEAPONS TRAINER and EXPLOSIVES TRAINER

Obama continues to replenish the ranks of the enemy leadership. “Pentagon announces transfer of two Guantanamo detainees,” Xinhua, April 5, 2016: WASHINGTON, April 4 (Xinhua) — The Pentagon on Monday announced transfer of two Guantanamo Bay detainees to Senegal, bringing the population of the notorious U.S. detention facility in Cuba to under 90. The two […]

Boko Haram Jihadis Burn Children Alive, Slay Over 100 Villagers in Nigeria Massacre

In one of their most heinous massacres to date, militants from the radical Islamist Boko Haram group slaughtered over a hundred victims in a village in northeast Nigeria Saturday night, including a number of children whom they burned alive. The latest atrocity from the jihadi group allied to the Islamic State took place in the village […]

Rosemary Jenks: Budget Bill Helps Jihadis and Criminal Aliens, Hurts Americans

The Director of Government Relations at NumbersUSA, Rosemary Jenks, the 1.1 trillion 2016 spending bill, is “a huge debacle. Not only can we not afford it. It’s actually going to hurt the livelihood of Americans. It’s going to help jihadis. It’s going to help criminal aliens. It’s going to help refugees coming from the Middle East […]

Obama Made it Easier for Islamic State Jihadis to Enter on 90-Day Fiancé Visas

ISIS can export jihadis to the United States–such as Tashfeen Malik, who killed 14 in San Bernardino–by going online and arranging 90-day fiancĂ© visas for as little as $375. Since 2009, President Barack Obama’s deputies have streamlined the process so that it can all be accomplished completely online–without any face-to-face check with a U.S. embassy […]

Police find pipe bombs, thousands of rounds in San Bernardino jihadis’ home

Devout Muslim Syed Rizwan Farook and his religious wife Tashfeen Malik opened fire on a Christmas party firing 65 to 75 rounds resulting in a bloodbath with 14 people dead and 21 more wounded. People were gunned down and shot while they hid beneath desks. Officials confirmed at press conference today that Farook had traveled abroad […]

Exposed: Obama’s Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians

President Obama recently lashed out against the idea of giving preference to Christian refugees, describing it as “shameful.”  “That’s not American.  That’s not who we are.  We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” loftily added the American president. Accordingly, the administration is still determined to accept 10,000 more Syrian refugees, almost all of whom […]


A new video released by the jihadi terror group, the Islamic State, depicts children, abducted and trained to kill by ISIS, executing 25 men identified as soldiers for the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad. The massacre occurs in the historic amphitheater at Palmyra, an ancient Roman city cited as a UNESCO World Heritage Site that […]

Boston Jihadis Plotted to Behead Pamela Geller, But Settled for ‘Easiest Target’: Cops

CBS News reports a familiar name was on the list of beheading victims for Boston jihadi Usaama Abdullah Rahim and his accomplices: Pamela Geller, whose Mohammed Art Exhibit in Garland, Texas was attacked by heavily armed terrorists. Rahim was shot and killed by an FBI agent and Boston cop on Tuesday, on the cusp of […]
