July 26, 2024

Biden Once Opposed Cluster Bombs when Israel Used Them; Now Ships to Ukraine

President Joe Biden will be sending cluster bombs to Ukraine to use in its war against Russia, the White House confirmed Friday. But he has opposed their use in the past, especially by Israel in the Lebanon War in 1982. The Washington Post recalled Biden’s “complicated history” — i.e. flip-flopping — on the issue of cluster

Palestinian TV Airs Musical Calling to Attack Israelis ‘Everywhere’ with ‘Bullets, Bombs’

A violence-themed musical broadcast on Palestinian Authority (PA) television called to fight Israelis “everywhere” with “blood and stones,” as Palestinian violence continues to escalate during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Appearing on PA TV, the musical titled “The Journey of a Nation” depicts the “struggle” of the Palestinians over nearly a century, apparently from

Spain releases man charged with terrorism for sending letter bombs

A Spanish magistrate on Friday ordered the conditional release of a man charged with terrorism for sending six letters containing explosives to high-profile diplomatic and government targets. The National Court magistrate said Pompeyo GonzĂĄlez Pascual, 74, must appear in court each week, relinquish his passport and remain in Spain as conditions for getting and remaining […]

U.N. Watchdog Chief: Iran’s Uranium Enrichment at Levels of ‘Countries Making Bombs’

The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog warned Iran is enriching uranium to levels that “only countries making bombs” reach, and added Tehran’s nuclear program had reached the point of no return and could not go back to where it was at the time of the 2015 Obama-led deal. “A country enriching at 60…

Michael Moore’s Anti-Trump Film Bombs At The Box Office. The Numbers Are Horrific.

Michael Moore’s anti-Donald Trump film “Fahrenheit 11/9” crashed and burned at the box office over the weekend. The plot of the movie, according to IMDB, is: “Filmmaker Michael Moore examines the current state of American politics, particularly the Donald J. Trump presidency and gun violence while highlighting the power of grassroots democratic movements.” (RELATED: MICHAEL MOORE […]


The Administration of Obama in his regenerative agenda of the terrorist and subversive system historically directed by the USSR / Russia and Cuba around the world against the United States among one of his malignant steps, caused the State Department to remove Cuba from the List of Terrorist Countries and immediately afterwards reestablished diplomatic and […]

Another Campaign Promise Kept: Trump Bombs the Hell Out of ISIS – Islamic State Capital Falls

During the 2015-2016 candidate Donald Trump promised his supporters that he would not pussy-foot with ISIS. Trump repeatedly told supporters, “I’m going to bomb the hell out of them!” Trump supporters LOVED IT. After nine months in office President Trump it is now clear that President Trump kept this promise. US-backed troops took control of […]

Home of Antifa Thug Alerted to Police by Project Veritas Raided – Surprise! They Found M-80s and Smoke Bombs (VIDEO)

One of the Antifa thugs that Project Veritas alerted Metro police to had his home raided and to no ones surprise, the police found M-80s and smoke bombs. On April 3rd, 2017 the home of this Antifa thug was raided by D.C. police, however; he was not arrested. The search warrant says that an undercover […]

‘Mother of all bombs’ kills 36 Islamic State militants, Afghanistan officials say

Afghanistan officials said 36 Islamic State militants were killed when the U.S. dropped the “mother of all bombs” on a tunnel complex Thursday. The Afghanistan Ministry of Defense added in a statement Friday that there were no civilian casualties and that several Islamic State caves and ammunition caches were destroyed. The GBU-43B, a 21,000-pound conventional […]

Why the US dropped the ‘mother of all bombs’ in Afghanistan.

The U.S. military dropped a massive non-nuclear bomb on ISIS targets in Afghanistan Thursday – using the weapon for the first time ever partly to send the enemy a message, according to a U.S. Central Command spokesman. Operation Resolute Support dropped a GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) on “a huge beehive” of ISIS tunnels […]

Police find pipe bombs, thousands of rounds in San Bernardino jihadis’ home

Devout Muslim Syed Rizwan Farook and his religious wife Tashfeen Malik opened fire on a Christmas party firing 65 to 75 rounds resulting in a bloodbath with 14 people dead and 21 more wounded. People were gunned down and shot while they hid beneath desks. Officials confirmed at press conference today that Farook had traveled abroad […]

US stands by helplessly as Russia bombs the stuffing out of our rebel allies in Syria

CIA backed rebels in Syria are pleading for anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down Russian bombers who have been pounding them mercilessly for 3 days.  U.S.-backed rebels in Syria appealed to the Obama administration Friday for anti­aircraft missiles to defend their positions against relentless Russian airstrikes that have so far mostly targeted the moderate opposition to […]
