July 26, 2024

Bronx child fell to his death due to defective balcony door lock: parents

A Bronx 4-year-old fell to his death from his family’s 10th-floor apartment because of a broken lock on the balcony door, according to a lawsuit. Yandra Minaya, 35, was getting her 11-month-old daughter ready for a bath when she realized she couldn’t hear her son, Jayden, in the other room. The mom panicked and began […]

Debt Standoff: House GOP Moves to Lock Down Package to Force Biden’s Hand on Spending Limit

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and other top House Republicans raced Tuesday to lock down votes for a legislative package that would raise the debt ceiling while cutting spending that they believe will strengthen their negotiating position with Democrats as a standoff looms later this year. McCarthy hosted GOP members in the speaker’s office all

Freedom Caucus and progressives lock arms — and that could be bad news for McCarthy

The Donald Trump-aligned Freedom Caucus (pictured) and the Progressive Caucus are openly uniting in favor of repealing two decades-old war authorizations in Iraq. | Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images The House’s most conservative Republicans and its most liberal Democrats can barely stand each other most days. But lately they’re building an unlikely alliance that could cause real

Alabama’s Brandon Miller hit with ‘lock him up’ chants following latest revelation in shooting death of woman

Despite the latest news that Brandon Miller provided the gun used by his former teammate to kill a woman, he still played on Wednesday night in South Carolina. Alabama received much criticism for the move in the media, and Gamecocks fans let their voice be heard, as well. CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON […]

Illinois Gov. Pritzker Parties with Biden Election Crowd Despite Calling for State to Lock Down

Illinois’ Democrat Gov. JB Pritzker is once again making grave proclamations about shutting his state down due to the coronavirus. Still, despite the draconian measures to “save lives,” the governor was also seen partying in crowded Chicago streets last week celebrating Joe Biden’s purported 2020 election win. Photos of the gov. partying with Chicagoans showed…

Pirro on Hillary: ‘It’s Time to Lock Her Up’

During her Saturday Fox News Channel “Justice” opening statement, Jeanine Pirro declared that it is time to lock Hillary Clinton after the report that the Clinton campaign funded research that resulted in the Steele Dossier. “It’s time to shut it down, turn the tables and lock her up,” Pirro said of Clinton. “That’s what I […]

LOCK HER UP: House Judiciary GOP Calls For Second Special Counsel

House Judiciary Committee Republicans called on the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate actions taken by Obama Administration officials like former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In a Tuesday-published press release, 14 Republicans requested a “second special counsel to investigate unaddressed matters that […]

Hillary: Lock Her Up!

Hillary’s post-election speech about fake news was beyond the pale; the height of arrogance and deceit. Her wickedness makes my skin crawl. Blaming fake news for her loss, this deplorable woman had the chutzpah to say, “…it’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences. Lives are at risk, lives of ordinary people […]

HAH! Trump Calls for Unity at Victory Rally, Crowd Chants “Lock Her Up!” (VIDEO)

Donald Trump held his first rally of his Victory Tour in Cincinnati, Ohio before THOUSANDS OF SCREAMING SUPPORTERS! At one point in his Victory Speech Trump told his supporters, “We sure had “a lot of fun fighting Hillary, didn’t we?” The crowd chanted, “Lock her up! Lock her up!” It was a unifying message. The […]

Bernie Sanders Supporters in Philadelphia Chant: ‘Lock Her Up!’

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) adopted a slogan from the Republican National Convention in their protests against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Sunday: “Lock her up!” The Wall Street Journal reports: At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, chants of “lock her up,” […]
