July 26, 2024

Tom Brady goes off on Jeff Ross’ Robert Kraft massage joke at roast: ‘Don’t say that s–t again’

One joke certainly got Tom Brady’s attention. During “The Roast of Tom Brady” on Netflix Sunday night, legendary comedian Jeff Ross was taking his turn laying into Brady, as is the show’s purpose. But things took a turn when Ross started talking about Brady joining the Patriots after being drafted 199th overall in 2000. “Tom […]

Exclusive — AZ GOP Chair Jeff DeWit: Gov. Hobbs Rolling Out ‘Red Carpet’ for Illegal Immigrants 

Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jeff DeWit spoke with Breitbart News about the nation’s border crisis after Title 42 ended and criticized Arizona Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs for rolling out the “red carpet” for illegal immigrants as an estimated 7srcsrc,srcsrcsrc migrants prepare to flood the border. Breitbart News Saturday Host Matthew Boyle asked DeWit to speak

Colts’ Shaquille Leonard backs Jeff Saturday, doesn’t appreciate ‘hate’: ‘Cut that out’

As the Indianapolis Colts search for their next head, one member of the team is throwing his support behind the guy who surprisingly was named the interim head coach in Week 10 of the 2022 NFL season.  Colts linebacker Shaquille Leonard spoke highly of Jeff Saturday on Friday, telling Pat McAfee that the interim head […]

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny: Stacey Abrams One of the Biggest Political Losers of the Year

Chief National Affairs Correspondent Jeff Zeleny said Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics” that failed Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is one of the biggest political losers of the year. Zeleny said, “I think when you look at the beginning of the year to the end of the year, the biggest political loser, certainly one of

Jeff Flake: GOP Needs to ‘Shun This Conspiratorial Fringe Element of the Party,’ Including Trump

Friday on CNN’s “At This Hour,” former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) urged the GOP to “shun” the “conspiratorial fringe element of the party” if it wants to win elections moving forward. Flake, who has long been vocal about his disdain for former President Donald Trump, emphasized that Republicans should break from Trump and his supporters…

Democrat Senator for Amazon’s Home State Seeks $10B Giveaway for Jeff Bezos’ Space Company

AP Photo/Charles Krupa Sen. Maria Cantwell, a Democrat who represents the state of Washington where Amazon’s world headquarters is located, is pushing for NASA to reopen a competition for third-party contractors to build its next lunar lander, after Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin lost out to Elon Musk’s SpaceX in the competition for the contract last…

BREAKING: Senate Judiciary Committee Votes to Confirm Kavanaugh, But Jeff Flake Demands a Delay on Final Vote.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Friday morning 11-10 to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. All Republicans voted for Kavanaugh and all Democrats voted against. A procedural vote will be taken by the full Senate on Saturday afternoon. A final and full Senate confirmation vote has been scheduled by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell […]

Jeff Sessions: ‘Listen To The ACLU, Antifa, Black Lives Matter’ If You Want More Chicago Shootings.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions drew a parallel between a recent increase in Chicago violence and groups like the ACLU, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter. During remarks at the Valor Survive and Thrive Conference in Waukegan, IL on Wednesday, Sessions quoted a study by University of Utah researchers that showed a link between the decline of […]

Trump Tells Jeff Sessions To End Mueller Investigation “Right Now”

President Trump was later then normal to take to his Twitter account this morning, but nevertheless provided a triumvirate of tweets that doubled down on his views of the Russia probe and what should be done about it. Trump began with a two-fer tweet, quoting Alan Dershowitz: “FBI Agent Peter Strzok (on the Mueller team) […]

The King of Fake News! Jeff Zucker Renews CNN Contract Through 2020 Election.

CNN president Jeff Zucker has renewed his contract with the news network through the 2020 presidential election, according to a new report. “I’ve learned that the veteran broadcast executive, who has served as president of Time Warner’s cable news channel since 2013, signed a new deal several months ago that will keep him at CNN […]

Jeff Sessions Delivers: DOJ Nails Senate Intel Committee’s Security Chief as Deep State Leaker.

Senior Justice Department officials announced late Thursday criminal charges against Senate Intelligence Committee’s long-time director of security James Wolfe. The indictment charges Wolfe with making false statements to the FBI and details how Wolfe passed classified information, including presumably information related to one-time Trump campaign aide Carter Page, to a series of media outlets, confirming […]

Judge Jeanine: Jeff Sessions Is ‘the Most Dangerous Man in America’

ï»ż   During her Saturday opening statement for “Justice” on Fox News Channel, Jeanine Pirro blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions, calling him the “most dangerous man in America” because he has “done nothing to make anyone responsible for the blatant corruption” seen from the 2016 election. “[Jeff Sessions] has done nothing to make anyone responsible for […]

GOP Lawmaker: Jeff Sessions Won’t Answer Question at Meetings – Defers to Rosenstein’s Aides (VIDEO)

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joined Judge Jeanine Pirro on Hannity on Friday to discuss AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the deep state corruption. Gaetz told Judge Jeanine that Jeff Sessions needs to get rid of his “dereliction of duty” mindset and appoint a second special counsel. Later in the interview Rep. Gaetz told Judge […]

Caring For Our Children – The Right To Bear Arms – Jeff Sessions Orders Review Of The FBI.

Is the Left saying we do not care about the children if we choose to bear arms? What about protecting our own sleeping children in the night against an intruder? Yes, we can call our police officers, but by that time it could be too late. The Left believes it is a woman’s right to […]

BREAKING: Jeff Sessions Orders New Look Into Uranium One Criminal Investigation.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered prosecutors at the Department of Justice to begin interviewing FBI agents about evidence they uncovered in a criminal investigation into a highly-controversial uranium deal that involves Bill and Hillary Clinton. Multiple law enforcement officials confirmed Sessions’ orders to prosecutors, NBC News reported exclusively in the early morning hours on […]

BREAKING: RINO Sen. Jeff Flake Will NOT Seek Re-election in 2018

In a stunning announcement Tuesday, anti-Trump Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) will not seek re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2018. AZ Central reports: Condemning the nastiness of Republican politics in the era of President Donald Trump, Sen. Jeff Flake on Tuesday announced he will serve out the remainder of his term but will not seek re-election in […]

Jeff Sessions Slams Sanctuary Chicago from Now-Compliant Miami

Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired a shot across the bow of so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions like Chicago Wednesday from Miami, where a dramatic shift to compliance with federal immigration enforcement took place. “If voters in Chicago are concerned about losing federal grant money: call your mayor,” Sessions told Chicagoans in his prepared remarks. Slamming Chicago and […]

Jeff Sessions just delivered BAD NEWS to Black Lives Matter

The incidents in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland where two unarmed black men died as a result of their interactions with police spawned the Black Lives Matter movement, riots, looting and violence against law enforcement. The Department of Justice under Barack Obama decided it was time to crack down on what it saw as an […]

Ted Cruz Reveals The Real Reason Dems Are Terrified Of Jeff Sessions

On Monday, one day before the confirmation hearings begin for Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. (C, 78%), Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) published a fiery op-ed in Politico, explaining why Sessions is a “superb” choice for attorney general, and why Democrats are shaking in their boots. Cruz, who served alongside Sessions in the Senate, vouches […]

Jeff Sessions Slams Top Immigration Official for Suppressing Reports of Refugee Terrorism, Crime

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions is going after a top immigration official who earlier admitted the U.S. government has invited future terrorists into American communities, the Obama administration’s much-touted “vetting process” aside. “The fact is—anybody that understands the challenge they face to do this vetting. You cannot vet people from Syria, because there’s no way, […]

Sen. Jeff Sessions Highlights 20 ‘Vetted’ Terrorist Refugees as Obama Ramps Up Admissions from Terror Hot-Spots

The Obama Administration’s ongoing effort to admit tens of thousands of refugees from Syria and other hotbeds of terrorism endangers the safety of the United States and has already had dire domestic consequences, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest warns. “Despite a clear nexus between immigration […]

Video: Jeff Sessions Warns That Obama Could Shove Unpopular Free Trade Deal Though Congress

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 80%, who has endorsed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, published a video on Monday warning that President Barack Obama and Congress might try to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal before the end of the year. The video is titled “Sessions Warns Against Ramming Through Unpopular Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Sessions outlines how […]

Jeff Sessions: Kill The ‘Anti-Democratic’ Trans-Pacific Partnership In The Crib, Repeal Fast-Track Authority Now

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)82%, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, is calling for the immediate destruction of the 5,554-page Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trans-global trade deal introduced on Thursday. “The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership runs 5,554 pages,” Sessions said in a statement provided to Breitbart News. This […]
