July 26, 2024

Rhodes: Biden Has Shown Saudis Can Buy a Reputation with Oil, Money, They’re Taking Advantage of Energy Situation

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Obama Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that President Joe Biden visiting Saudi Arabia after vowing to make them a pariah “sends kind of a message that if you have enough oil and you have enough money, you can buy your way into having a

NYT’s Hulse: Omnibus Will Get Passed Due to ‘Pork’ in It, Retiring Top Appropriators ‘Taking Advantage of’ ‘Last Chance’ to Get Earmarks

On Friday’s edition of PBS’ “Washington Week,” New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent Carl Hulse stated that he thinks an omnibus bill will be passed due to “the oldest reason in the books, it’s pork.” He also stated that the top two members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Chairman Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) and Vice Chairman Sen.

Study: Male Athletes Transitioning to Female Retain Massive Strength Advantage Despite Hormone Therapy

A study published in Sports Medicine found that testosterone blockers taken by biological men who want to live as women do not significantly diminish their strength and gives them an advantage when competing against biological women in sports. The study found that elite male athletes are around 10 to 13 percent faster than female athletes and…

Hillary’s Advantage: The Media; Trump’s Advantage: The Issues

Say, does anyone remember when Trump was the lightweight with no “policy specifics”? I have an entire chapter in my book, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!, quoting media savants complaining about Trump’s lack of “policy specifics,” interspersed, by date, with his major policy speeches and papers. At this point, the only “policy specific” […]

Putin is Taking Advantage of Obama’s Weakness as the Military Balance of Power has Shifted in Russia’s Favor

Frank de Varona wrote the book, The Gathering Threat of Russia, China, and Their Allies Against America (2016) As I wrote in my sixth book on the Obama-Hillary Clinton administration, President Barack Obama has made the United States a superpower in complete retreat in the world. The enemies of America, including Russia, China, Iran, North […]
