January 24, 2025

Donald J. Trump Makes the Case that Electing Him President Is the Only Way to Stop Obamatrade

Obamatrade is the combination of and intersection between the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which passed Congress last year and greases the skids for the congressional approval of various trade deals by lowering U.S. Senate vote thresholds from 60 votes to 51 votes and killing the ability of Congress to amend those deals, and those various […]

5 Things Just Revealed in the Secretive OBAMATRADE Agreement That Should Have Americans Concerned

On Thursday, details of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement between the United States and 11 Pacific Rim countries were released online, finally giving Americans the chance to evaluate the deal which critics say was written in secrecy. And some of the deal’s features may make you wish we were still at the drawing board: 1. Crony Capitalism […]

Report: Obamatrade Undermines Intellectual Property, Crushes Freedom of Expression

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement between the U.S. and 11 other countries contains a chapter on intellectual property rights that could impact freedom of expression, according to The Guardian. This news comes after Breitbart News reported there is a controversial chapter on immigration law within the Trade in Services Act (TiSA), another part of President Obama’s trade […]

Exclusive — Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade: ‘Time To Send A Real Businessman’ To White House To End This

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is hammering President Barack Obama, his administration and Congress for completely failing the American worker when it comes to trade policy—whacking the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact with 12 Pacific Rim nations that the Obama just finalized in Atlanta as a deal that jeopardizes U.S. jobs. “The incompetence and dishonesty […]

Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% cast the deciding vote for Obamatrade on Tuesday as it squeeked through the U.S. Senate 60-37, and his Senate office is still outright refusing to answer whether he even knew what he was voting on. Rubio, a Republican presidential candidate, was the deciding vote necessary for the U.S. Senate to clear […]

Obamatrade Isn’t Free Trade

Jim DeMint: When I was first elected to Congress in 1998, South Carolina’s Fourth Congressional District was a reliably protectionist vote. In the words of former Senator Fritz Hollings, the entire delegation viewed free trade as “the commercial equivalent of unilateral disarmament.” As a free-market conservative, free trade is in my DNA. It is a […]


Jeff Sessions on Obamatrade’s ‘New Pacific Union’ Like the EU: Something America Has ‘Never Seen’ Before Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has issued yet another clarion call to House Republicans urging them to abandon GOP leadership’s desperate ploys to bring Obamatrade back to life and instead vote against Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and stop President Obama […]

Expert’s Warning to America on Trade Deal: ‘This Is a Real Problem. It’s Not a Hypothetical’

Expanded trade authority could lead the United States into an agreement to change its visa policies, tossing the two contentious issues of immigration and free trade in the crosshairs. In the rare instance, the bulk of congressional Republicans stand with President Barack Obama on Trade Promotion Authority, also known as fast track. This allows the […]

Obamatrade a 100th-birthday gift for David Rockefeller?

NEW YORK – As the U.S. House prepares to vote on President Obama’s controversial Obamatrade legislation – regarded by opponents as a surrender of U.S. sovereignty to a new international authority and a “nascent European Union” – two historically significant promoters of globalism are celebrating birthdays Friday, with David Rockefeller turning 100 and former President […]

Carly Fiorina Blasts Obamatrade Secrecy, Hillary’s Lack of Transparency

On Breitbart News Sunday, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina blasted President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their lack of transparency, saying Obama’s secrecy around the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and Hillary Clinton’s family foundation scandals have shown that the two top Democrats cannot be trusted to lead effectively. “If you don’t have transparency […]

GOP-run Senate Rescues ObamaTrade, Puts TPA Back on Fast Track

President Barack Obama’s trade agenda took another step forward in the Republican-controlled Senate today (May 21), thanks to wheeling and dealing by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his lieutenants, who engaged in a flurry of deal-making activity on the Senate floor. Struggling against the clock, with a jam-packed legislative schedule and a looming, […]
