July 26, 2024

British government orders over 100 schools to keep buildings closed due to concerns over aging concrete

The British government has ordered more than 100 schools to keep some or all of their buildings closed when the new academic year begins next week because of concern crumbling concrete threatens the safety of children and staff. The announcement, which came late on Thursday, sent school administrators scrambling to find ways to accommodate pupils, […]

China Forces All Religious Buildings to Fly Communist Flag.

China’s state-run newspaper Global Times derided critics in the West Thursday for condemning a new initiative forcing all religious buildings to fly China’s red flag as a means to “enhance the concept of nation.” The newspaper claimed the move was necessary because, without imposing the government’s wishes on individual religions, the nation could “lurch toward war.” […]

Baltimore Destroyed: Rioters Burn Buildings, Injure Police, Attack Reporters and Loot Local Stores

After a week of protests and the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who recently died in police custody of serious injuries, rioters took to the streets of Baltimore late Monday afternoon and rampaged through the city until the early hours of the morning burning buildings, cars, looting local stores, attacking police and reporters. Fifteen police […]
