Two Palestinians dressed in suits carried out a terror attackĀ in Tel Avivās Sarona market when they opened fire on innocent Israeli civilians, killing four and injuring many more. According to the Tel Aviv police, two terroristsĀ opened fire on the crowd at the market, after which one was shot and the otherĀ terroristĀ was captured by the police […]
Baltimore Destroyed: Rioters Burn Buildings, Injure Police, Attack Reporters and Loot Local Stores
April 28, 2015 by
After a week of protests and the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who recently died in police custody of serious injuries, rioters took to the streets of Baltimore late Monday afternoon and rampaged through the city until the early hours of the morning burning buildings, cars, looting local stores, attacking police and reporters. Fifteen police […]