July 26, 2024

New York City Wants $1 Billion to Help Exploit Biden’s Migrants

New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams wants $1 billion from other Americans to subsidize the city’s economic strategy of importing penniless immigrants for use by New York’s business leaders. “We need help — and we need to now,” Democratic Mayor Eric Adams said in a Friday press conference, adding: Today we’re issuing a clear message

Democrats, Fake News Media Exploit Sgt. La David Johnson’s Death to Smear Trump

CNN and the rest of the mainstream media would have us believe that President Donald Trump called the widow of the late Sgt. La David Johnson to abuse her by telling her that her husband bore responsibility for his own death — that “he knew what he signed up for,” in the words of Rep. Frederica […]

Engelbrecht: Voter Fraud ‘Institutionalized’… Corrupt Pols ‘Tempted to Exploit’ – AUDIO

Catherine Engelbrecht: Voter Fraud Has Been ‘Institutionalized’; Corrupt Politicians Will Be ‘Tempted to Exploit the Weaknesses’ True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about voter fraud in the 2016 election. Engelbrecht said her organization takes reports of fraud seriously, including recent accounts of voting […]

Obama and Hillary Exploit Murdered Cops to Federalize Police

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are exploiting the killing of five police officers in Dallas to push a range of assaults on the U.S. Constitution, including a decades-old plot to federalize America’s local police departments without any semblance of constitutional authority. In between subtly demonizing law-enforcement officers as racists and touting the controversial Black Lives […]

Greed As An Item To Exploit In The War Against Capitalism – Part 7 Of The Series

THE MANIFESTO OF CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICAN NATIONALISM – Part 7 One glaring weakness which the communists, Islamists, and Nazis took advantage of was the short-sighted greed of much of America’s multinational corporations and banks. In return, the totalitarian states received money, high technology items, capital goods, and an undeserved political legitimacy in Washington DC. The communists […]

Globalists Exploit “Panama Papers” in Jihad on Privacy

Globalist voices pushing a global taxation regime and an end to financial privacy worldwide reacted with glee at the “Panama Papers” leak, in which millions of documents relating to private international capital flows were handed to select establishment media outlets by a George Soros-funded organization. Radical German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, who recently advocated a […]


After having literally created the refugee crisis from start to finish — destroying multiple Middle Eastern nations and then demanding that Europe accept the millions of displaced victims — the internationalist establishment is now exploiting the chaos it unleashed to push more globalism and statism. Europe, Africa, and the Middle East are all in the cross-hairs […]

DHS’ Jeh Johnson Sidesteps Obama, Warns ISIS Will ‘Exploit’ Refugee Program

Video Transcript: We do have to be concerned about the possibility that a terrorist organization may seek to exploit our refugee resettlement process. That’s true of this country, that’s true of every other country that excepts refugees. This comes a month after President Obama mocked the GOP for being scared of orphan and widow refugees, […]

Democrats’ victimization playbook: exploit black rage, white guilt

Regardless of one’s melanin levels, the simple truth is that anyone with the wrong mind-set can raise a hand in violence or wield a firearm to commit homicide. As guns and bullets are neutral, inanimate objects — color blind and without self-directing intention — it is foolhardy on a practical level, but often politically expedient […]
