May 8, 2024

Muslims: The Higher Their Numbers the More They Demand


Anyone who follows the actions in the Middle East or Islamic communities readily becomes aware that Muslims continuously make demands on their non-Islamic neighbors.

One would assume they come to westernized countries like the USA for a better way of life. Yet through their ongoing demands it appears they want to convert our lives to the strict oppressive Islamic life style they’ve left.

For example the Council on American-Islamic Relation’s (CAIR-MI) Executive Director Dawud Walid, sent a complaint letter to the Michigan Roseville Public Schools stating that “School staff and teachers are not to serve as advocates for one particular religion by passing out slips inviting parents to give permission for their children to attend religious instruction.” Yet he offered a booklet, called “An Educator’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices” a book that elevates Islam.

As is common for Muslim communities, Muslims in New York City are demanding special treatment at the expense of non-Muslims. They demand public schools cater to their religious food limitations. They prepared a video showing kids telling how heartbreaking it is to have to eat peanut butter and jelly, or bring something from home. It makes them feel different. Interesting that their Arabic clothing (i.e. hajib) does not make them feel different.

The vegetarian options offered are insufficient to satisfy their demands. Could it be that their intention is to have non-Muslims submit to Islam one step at a time.

During the public comment period in February 2014, at the Dearborn city council meeting, a Muslim, Mr. Hassan, demanded that the city institute sharia patrols to keep young people out of parks and to prevent the sale of “offensive” magazines in stores.

Mr. Hassan also wants the city to institute sharia compliant patrols to establish sharia compliant censorship at libraries. Fortunately, the city council shot down Hassan’s demands.

It has been confirmed by a number of studies that Muslim demands increase as the percentage of Muslims increases.

The following is from an Atlas Shrugs’ post adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: “Slavery, Terrorism & Islam:  Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.” When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

Here’s how it works. As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will, be for the most part, regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in: United States 0.6%, Australia 1.5%, Canada 1.7%.
