September 16, 2024


sheriff4In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

After a few days of a deafening silence after the horrible execution style murder of Texas Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth, president Obama on his way to Alaska called his widow to express his condolences. “On behalf of the American people, I offered Mrs. Goforth my condolences and told her that Michelle and I would keep her and her family in our prayers,” a WH statement said. These and other parts of his conversation with Kathleen, the officer’s widow, were very nice but weak, as compared to the nationally televised responses he has made as a reaction of what he has deemed police abuse and murder of innocent blacks. After an incident when the Cambridge police mistakenly arrested a professor when responding to a robbery alert, Obama in a presentation to the nation called the police as “acting stupidly”. When Trayvon Martin was killed by an aspiring “vigilante” named Zimmerman, our president again faced the nation declaring young Martin as someone he would “like as a son”, assuming the killing was racially motivated, and making a judgment before all the facts were known. It came to pass that a jury found the accused innocent, the suspect was not white, and a subsequent FBI investigation found no evidence of a racial component in the unfortunate loss of a young man’s life.

The same pattern of jumping to conclusions, making racism an issue, was repeated in the Officer Wilson’s killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson which was promptly labeled by Obama and its Department of Justice as an unprovoked murder of a “gentle giant”, black male who was trying to give himself up crying “hands up don’t shoot”. Even when Officer Wilson was judged innocent, and proof that the death was caused by an attack to the policeman by this “not so gentle” giant, and that the alleged “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened, the false story has prevailed and it has become a rallying cry for protesters and thugs alike. Lost in all of this and never mentioned by our leaders was the fact that Wilson, an innocent man doing his duty, lost his job, his privacy and had to hide from threats to him and his family. In Baltimore a rush to judgment was repeated, and riots ensued when the prosecutor acted more as an advocate than a people’s representative, and police again accused.

The city’s Mayor Rawlings-Blake in an unprecedented move has proposed a payment of 6.4 million dollars to Freddie Gray’s family, even if a civil suit is yet to be filed and the criminal trial against the six officers has not started. The amount of monies proposed is higher than the total of all previous payments for the same type of liability for the city since 2011. This move will surely taint the jury pool with an appearance f guilt, because if not obvious guilt, why such a huge and sudden move? Another action that makes It clear that we are been subjected to policies that claim racism and police abuse, with a clear consequence of provoking disturbances and a decrease moral of the persons that have the duty to enforce laws and defend the citizens. The result has been of a decrease moral of our police, who are hesitant to act and become more exposed to being killed. Also movements of anti-authority radicals are inciting the murder of law enforcers as happened in Texas. All lives matter, regardless of race and of occupation, but if I had to choose between a violent criminal and an officer, I will always choose the one that defends and serves me.
