April 26, 2024

Carson Defends Comments About A Muslim Being President With Shocking Dose Of Common Sense

th-38Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is standing by his comments that he wouldn’t support a Muslim in the White House.

The 2016 hopeful came under fire Sunday after he told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd he doesn’t believe Islam is compatible with the Constitution and “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”

In a Facebook post Monday evening, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon doubled down on his remarks, saying unless the hypothetical Muslim candidate denounced Shira Law, he could not advocate for them serving as commander in chief.

“I was immediately attacked by some of my Republican peers and nearly every Democrat alive,” Carson wrote in the post. “Know this, I meant exactly what I said.”

“Under Islamic Law, homosexuals – men and women alike – must be killed. Women must be subservient. And people following other religions must be killed,” he continued.

During an interview with Sean Hannity Monday, Carson clarified that if the candidate is willing to put the Constitution before his religion he would consider backing them.

Carson’s rival in the race, Donald Trump, who also recently came under fire for his own comments on Muslims, weighed in on his competitor’s remarks.

“If properly vetted – the proper people properly vetted – going through an election, I think that anybody that is able to win an election will be absolutely fine,” Trump told Fox’s Greta Van Susteren. “This is a long, tough road, Greta, I can tell you and it really is very revealing and I would have no problem with it, no.”

Source: The Daily Caller
