July 26, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: ISIS Oil Tied to Kurdistan, Erdogan and Lots of American Tanker Trucks Shipped from Houston

ISIS Oil Tied to Kurdistan, Erdogan and Lots of American Tanker Trucks Shipped from Houston

A general view shows Iraq’s largest oil refinery in the northern town of Baiji. ISIS Oil Tied to Kurdistan, Erdogan and Lots of American Tanker Trucks Shipped from Houston

We want to know how the US missed thousands of pickup trucks being shipped into Syria and Iraq, brought in through Jordan and Turkey, all upgraded and armed, without the US seeing any of it, without the CIA knowing anything.

As is too often the case, we get less than half the story here. Oil smuggling from Kurdistan through Turkey has gone on for many years. The government in Erbil has felt this has been their right, selling oil illegally through Turkey particularly when the Baghdad government has been remiss in its treatment of the Kurds, or so most Kurds, Sunnis mostly, believe.

The real leadership of Kurdistan hate the PKK as much as Turkey does and are financially tied to Turkey and not Baghdad. There is a long history behind this, some of which justifies how the Kurds feel. However, the very secret partnership between some powerful Kurds in Erbil, the Erdogan crime cabal and ISIS is now only beginning to show its head.

Our own questions come down to something very simple. There are thousands of oil trucks, not old military oilers from the Saddam era but those that became surplus in the US when oil became too cheap for fracking, those trucks, they are now carrying Iraqi and Syrian oil to Turkey and beyond.

We want to know how the US missed thousands of pickup trucks being shipped into Syria and Iraq, brought in through Jordan and Turkey, all upgraded and armed, without the US seeing any of it, without the CIA knowing anything.

Then again, the CIA and America’s satellites and drones missed 5 mile long convoys, at time 4 abreast, carrying oil into Turkey. We are saying these convoys are visible from the moon using the naked eye, bigger than the Great Wall of China.

For months, brokers working with, we are told Bechtel Corporation and British Petroleum, bought up a veritable sea of surplus tanker trucks across America. Look at the highways, you can’t say you don’t notice. Driven onto ships at the Port of Houston, they traveled east where they are now being destroyed by Russian bombers, trucks that used to ply America’s interstate highway system.

Every moment that America feigns ignorance of Erdogan’s crimes is a national disgrace.

Turkish Opposition MP Set to Reveal Evidence Linking Erdogan to Daesh Oil

Eren Erdem, a lawmaker from the Republican People’s Party, Turkey’s largest opposition party, says that he may have found the evidence linking President Recep Erdogan’s son-in-law to the dirty oil trade with Daesh.

Commenting on the sensational allegations put forth by Russia on Wednesday that Turkish President Recep Erdogan and his family are directly connected to the trade of dirty oil, Erdem revealed that he is ready to publicize information next week linking Berat Albayrak, President Erdogan’s son-in-law and the Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, to the Daesh oil trade.

In the course of his press conference, covered by Sputnik Turkey, Erdem explained that on the basis of his investigation, which is still in progress, “I have been able to establish that there is a very high probability that Berat Albayrak is linked to the supply of oil by the Daesh terrorists.”

Concentration of vehicles and direction of truck convoys' traffic into Turkey. Maximum available quality. (Still frames of the Russian Defense Ministry.)

The lawmaker told media that “there is one company, headquartered in Erbil, which in 2012 acquired oil tankers, and which is currently being bombarded by Russian aircraft. I am now studying this company’s records. It has partners in Turkey, and I am checking them for links to Albayrak.”Erdem noted that he will conclude his investigation next week, after which he will hold a press conference bringing the information before the public. “This investigation is aimed at trying to figure out which illegal operations are taking place in our country’s oil trade,” he emphasized.

Moreover, he noted that since he began discussing the possible linkage between Albayarak and Daesh oil, he has been subjected to an all-out informational attack by pro-government media.

“Today, the Takvim newspaper called me an American puppet, an Israeli agent, a supporter of the [Kurdish] PKK, and the instigator of a coup…all in the same sentence. I am inclined to view this attack on me as an attempt to belittle my significance, to attack my reputation in the eyes in the public, given that my investigation is a real threat to the government. Such a sharply negative reaction suggests that my assumptions are fair, and I am moving in the right direction to find the truth.”

Ultimately, the lawmaker noted that the state-connected media’s reaction “have only convinced me further on the need to carry this investigation through to the end.”
