May 5, 2024

A Letter to America – The Hammond Family Crisis

Dear Fellow Americans,

Hammond Ranch protestsWe have a family of patriots who have been receiving the brunt of Governmental Agency tyranny firsthand. By the reports, it is clear the abuse has been brutal! Read the story here. The Hammonds have shown a tremendous amount of patience over many years of the BLMs continued abuse.

The Bundy Hammond situation in Oregon is very important for “all” Americans. This situation with the Hammonds is a sign of what is coming for the rest of Americans. Let us not be naive. There is evil in our government on both sides of the isle because of the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations and Marxists. We as Americans should not even think for a moment that we are not next. The Hammond family is really a representation of all of us. It’s not about the Hammond family. It is about the abuse of power by the federal government “against all Americans”.

This author condemns the actions of the BLM. The blame for this escalated situation in Oregon falls squarely on them, not on the Hammonds nor the Bundys nor those there supporting them. The true intent of the BLM is to confiscate private property using the pretense of environmental policy violations and false accusation of criminality, plain and simple. The same thing was going on with the Bundy Ranch situation. According to several news sources, including Reuters and the Washington Times, Harry Reid’s son Rory Reid had an interest in the land along with the Chinese government owned ENN Energy Group for the building of a solar plant. Read the story here on Newsmax. Congress keeps sitting on their hands being complicit to the abuses of the Executive Branch and the Judiciary. They are very quick to introduce legislation that will limit the use of hover boards, but when it comes to repealing legislation to get the Environmental Tyranny off the backs of Americans, they cower. If the Governmental Agencies are abusing the Hammonds and Bundys, what makes us think they are not going to do this to us? The Hammonds and the Bundys are not criminals or terrorists and it is an outrage for them to be labeled as such.

The Bundys and others whom have decided to help the Hammond family need our support. Some cannot support them directly, but many can support them by spreading the truth of the BLM’s abuse. Americans need to put public pressure wherever needed to force the BLM to stand down. Spread the word and the truth about what is really happening there because the mainstream media is lying about the situation. What is happening in Oregon is not a protest or rebellion. It is a group of patriots whom have been egged on by the purposeful abuses of corrupt Government officials and they have had enough.

Let us stand behind them and stop the criminal BLM.

Armando Escalante
Northeast Director
Bear Witness Central
