July 26, 2024

LA Times drops BOMB about top Clinton donor; DENIED entry to US because…

591564752-1000x640Recent headlines about unpatriotic football players and sexting soon-to-be-ex-husbands have taken some of the heat off the Clinton Foundation and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s handy pay-for-play scheme for a few days. (In fact, one can’t help but even wonder if Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s announcement that she will separate from husband Anthony Weiner is another well-timed distraction — ala Bill Clinton’s bombing to detract from his Monica Lewinsky affair.)

But, much to Hillary’s chagrin, smoke surrounding the Clinton Foundation ain’t going away any time soon. In fact, none other than The Los Angeles Times just dropped a new bomb about one of the Foundation’s top donors. Turns out, one of the foundation’s top donors — on whose behalf, by the way, it was recently revealed Hillary’s State Department was asked for a favor — was denied entry to the United States because of ties to terrorism.

Via The Daily Caller:

Nigerian-Lebanese billionaire Gilbert Chagoury continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary Clinton.

The multi-million dollar Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. last year because of his ties to a Lebanese organization that has allegedly given money to the terrorist group Hezbollah, The Los Angeles Times reports.

The news, which was based on interviews and government documents, comes weeks after emails surfaced showing that in 2009, a Clinton Foundation adviser asked Hillary Clinton’s State Department deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, for a favor on Chagoury’s behalf.

The request for favors is evidence that the Clinton Foundation operates as a massive pay-for-play scheme, the Clintons’ critics have claimed.

According to The Times, the State Department denied Chagoury’s visitor’s visa after he applied for one at the U.S. embassy in Paris last summer. The State Department made its determination based on a 2013 FBI intelligence report which cited sources claiming that Chagoury had given money to Michel Aoun, a Lebanese politician who was suspected of “facilitating fundraising for Hezbollah.”

That was the second time Chagoury had been denied entry into the U.S. In Jan. 2010, his private jet was grounded at an airport in New Jersey. Chagoury’s lawyers eventually procured an apology from the Department of Homeland Security for the incident.

Aoun, who founded the Free Patriotic Movement party and, like Chagoury, is a Lebanese Christian, allied with Hezbollah in 2006. The U.S. has designated the Iran-backed Shiite group as a terrorist organization because of its role in the 1983 attacks on the U.S. embassy and U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut.

The Times cited a 2007 State Department cable published by Wikileaks showing that a Lebanese government official told Jeffrey Feltman, then the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, that Chagoury was “known to have funded” Aoun.

Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it, what sort of interests does one person have in funding both a terrorist organization and Hillary Clinton?

Meanwhile, as we’ve reported, Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin has her own ties to radical Islam.

They say you can learn a lot about someone by the company they keep. We sure are learning a lot about Hillary Clinton these days — as if what we already knew wasn’t enough.

Is anyone paying attention?

Source: Allen West
