July 27, 2024


Tell the NFL to put order on the Gridiron and respect our National Anthem

As Americans, we have a profound and deep respect and love for our country.

And as patriotic Americans, it pains us to see those in the National Football League who choose to disrespect and dishonor our national anthem by refusing to stand and show due respect.

That’s why I’m asking you as a fellow God-fearing American to boycott the NFL.

*A National total boycott of the NFL is planned for Sunday, November 12th,
Veterans Day Weekend**.*

*Boycott all football telecasts.  All fans, all ticket holders, are asked
to stay away from attending or viewing any NFL games on Sunday, November
12th; let the NFL play to empty stadiums.*

*Pass this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our military,
some of whom came home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
Continue with the weekly boycott of televised games, but let’s make this a
day the owners, coaches, players, and advertisers will notice and REMEMBER!*

*They have a right to protest if they want to, but during the National
Anthem is NOT the time or venue!  They  show an utter lack of patriotism
and total disrespect for our Veterans – living and dead – and everything
for which they put their lives on the line!*

*If you agree, please help this message go viral! **

*A National total boycott of the NFL is planned for Sunday, November 12th,
Veterans Day Weekend*.


Sign Pledge Here to Boycott the Disrespect Shown at the NFL

We love honor, duty and courage and those virtues are symbolized in our American flag and anthem.

Those are the ideals for which our soldiers fought and died to protect.

Will we let their sacrifices go in vain?

Will we rise to the occasion as patriotic Americans and defend our country at this crucial moment?

That’s why I’ve stopped watching the NFL games and I encourage you to stop watching all NFL football until they restore order on the gridiron.

Boycott the NFL – Sign Here!

It’s time to take a stand for God, honor and country.

May God bless you, your family and America.

Source: Tradition, Family and Property