May 4, 2024

We’re Outnumbered In The Media, But Here’s How We Can Overcome It

We’re outnumbered in the media, but here’s how we can overcome it

We’re outnumbered in the media, but here’s how we can overcome it

The results this administration is getting should be an asset for our side, but the rhetoric of the liberals suggests none of this has even happened. The liberal voices outnumber us because the mainstream media are infested with anti-Trump voices who will sing the same tune no matter what the president and his supporters in Congress do.

But! We must keep speaking out, and louder!

Liberal voices that dominate TV, radio and print

The main reason is that many people and voters who do not wear the Democrat label as a badge of honor are waking up. They are waking up to the deceptive and false rhetoric against this president. Results matter! Conservatives are not focused on accusations and what he might have done before he became president, and investigations to nowhere.

But anti-Trump folk do not care about results, because many of their plantation followers only focus on the liberal rhetoric. This rhetoric perpetuates the cloud they want over this president throughout his administration. Character attacks are their only options, because they have no positive tangible results to talk about after eight years of the Obama Administration.

People are not stupid! But this is the assumption of the Democrats and the liberal voices that dominate TV, radio and print. It’s a flawed assumption, but they will not ever believe it is flawed, because they are predicting a change of control in both houses of Congress in 2018, and a Democrat president in 2020.

If that happens, then they win with denial, deception and lies. My prediction is that they will not win even though our conservative voices are outnumbered.

As I have said before, the truth will rise to the top if you say it often enough and loud enough. Results matter!

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

