May 2, 2024

Trump Admin To World Health Assembly: ‘Abortion Is Not Family Planning’

Continuing its fight to keep its promise to pro-lifers by defending the unborn, the Trump administration has told the World Health Assembly that abortion is not a form of family planning and should not be treated as such.

According to LifeNews, the Trump administration “stood up for pro-life values on an international level by telling the World Health Assembly today that abortion is not a method of family planning.” That is a significant departure from the Obama administration, which pushed abortion at every level internationally.

In a statement to the World Health Assembly in Geneva, the U.S. delegation issued a strong pro-life statement while simultaneously criticizing efforts to make abortion great again internationally.

“We remind our fellow delegates,” the statement said, “that the International Conference on Population and Development forged international consensus that abortion should in no case be promoted as a method of family planning.”

The U.S. statement added: “The United States remains a stalwart defender and donor to maternal and children’s health, life, and wellbeing. And we will never waiver on that support.”

The statement had been crafted by Ambassador Kevin Moley, Assistant Secretary of State, who ensured the pro-life views of the Trump administration were reflected. Scott Fischbach, a pro-life advocate at the UNl, told LifeNews that activists have continued pushing abortion internationally for population control.

“There has been a growing activist trend at WHO encouraging the legalization of abortion worldwide. Yet abortion is not an international right. No United Nations treaty has ever created a right to abortion,” he said. “Nor is legalized abortion a solution to maternal mortality. Maternal mortality depends on the quality of maternal health care. It does not depend on the legal status or availability of abortion.”

“We applaud the Trump administration for this pro-life statement. The World Health Organization should stick to health, not abortion advocacy,” he concluded.

The statements to the World Health Assembly reflect that of statements recently made by the State Department that abortion is not a “human right,” which also contradicted the Obama administration.

MAGA is going global.

Source: The Daily Wire
