July 26, 2024

Nearly 300 dead in Nicaragua protests since April: UN

Nearly 300 dead in Nicaragua protests since April: UN

Nearly 300 dead in Nicaragua protests since April: UN

In Nicaragua over three months of protests have left at least 280 dead — including 19 police officers — and some 1,830 injured, according to the UN.

The demonstrations are protesting extrajudicial killings, torture, arbitrary detentions, and the denial of people’s freedom of expression, said a statement on Tuesday by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

“Police, armed elements and other violent groups have carried out so-called ‘clean-up operations’ in different parts of the country, forcibly removing barricades erected by demonstrators and local communities,” said the statement.

“The violence is all more horrific as armed elements loyal to the government are operating with the active or tacit support of and in coordination with the police and other state authorities,” the statement said, calling human rights violations in the country “disturbing.”

The office urged a halt to the violence as soon as possible.

“The appalling loss of life must stop – now. It is imperative that the Nicaraguan State, which has obligations under international human rights law, to guarantee the right to life and security of the population,” it stressed.
