May 1, 2024

Missouri mom who looks like Meghan Markle stuns the Internet

A Missouri mom resembling Meghan Markle has the internet doing double-takes after a photo with her daughter on Instagram went viral.Akeisha Land, who runs her daughter Greyson’s Instagram account, posted an “usie” on Monday to show off their matching sweatshirts with “LOVE” written on them. PLUS-SIZE BLOGGER RE-CREATES MEGHAN MARKLE FASHIONSInstagram users, however, were much more interested in the uncanny likeness between Land and the Duchess of Sussex, who is arguably the most talked-about woman in the world at the moment.In the photo, the mom slightly smirks, showing no teeth. Her rosy cheeks and brown eyes undoubtedly resemble those of the famous royal.The comments section was flooded with messages from Instagram users pointing out the obvious doppelganger vibes. “For a moment I thought you were Meghan Markle,” one user commented, as did hundreds of others.“Do people tell you all the time that you look like @hrhofsussex?! Both gorgeous!” another person wrote. MEGHAN MARKLE’S MOTHER WON’T RELOCATE TO CANADA SINCE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ISN’T THAT CLOSE: REPORTBecause the Instagram account is used to primarily post pictures of her daughter, Land said she was shocked and overwhelmed by the fanfare. “Literally every comment is about me. Normally it’s like, ‘Oh, she’s so cute,’ and that sort of thing but it’s all about me this time. It’s very different!” Land told E! News. The mother of two said that despite her striking resemblance to Markle, she doesn’t keep up much with the happenings of the American actress-turned-British royal. She does, however, take the comparisons as a “huge compliment.”CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER“I think she’s gorgeous so to be mistaken for a royal is definitely quite a compliment,” Land said. Thanks to the overnight success, Land said she’s now considering using her Meghan Markle looks to land professional gigs. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP“If they want me to go to a party as her, I’m your girl,” she said. “I am going to start to try to be more in front of the camera,” she added. “I definitely want to put myself out there more and not just my kiddos.”
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