May 2, 2024

Students in West Texas school district ‘feel safe’ at school — the reason why will prevent shooting

Parents and students feel safe at schools in a West Texas school district because staff are armed and there are signs warning would-be shooters outside each school. (Image source: KFDA-TV screenshot)

After another tragic school shooting, this time in Florida, many Second Amendment advocates say they believe placing concealed weapons in the hands of highly trained teachers will thwart the next mass shooting and add an additional layer of safety at schools.

One West Texas school district has put that theory to test and the results are what many expected.

What’s going on?

If you plan on committing mass murder at a school, you probably want to stay away from Claude Independent School District in West Texas. The reason? Because there are staffers at each school who carry concealed weapons to protect students.

According to KFDA-TV, Claude ISD implemented a program sometime in 2016 that trained staffers to carry concealed weapons and taught them what to do if ever faced with an active shooter.

The district also places prominent signs on its campuses informing people its schools are definitely not gun-free zones.

“ATTENTION: Please be aware that the staff at Claude ISD is armed and may use whatever force necessary to protect our students,” the signs read.

What’s the net effect?

To put it mildly, staff, students and parents feel much safer with teachers who pack heat and signs warning any would-be shooter. One mother told KFDA she has “peace of mind” about her daughter’s safety at school.

“It makes me feel really, really safe that we have staff on hand if anything happened. It brings me peace of mind,” the mother said.

Students also said they have no reservations about their safety at school knowing there are teachers around them ready to act if push comes to shove.

Source: The Blaze
