May 2, 2024

The Shadow Government/Deep State

Shadow Government

The Shadow Government is a system that manipulates Washington, DC behind the scenes, that operates beyond the control of Congress, that even dictates the actions of the president and affects the daily lives of every American. It is real and has been growing in complexity for over sixty years. While the American people work long hours just to survive and make ends meet, the Shadow Government spends billions of dollars on secret operations, overthrowing governments and engages in covert wars that kill thousands – all without any vote or say by the American people; the people that pay the taxes the Shadow Government uses to fund these operations. 

While their Congressmen and Senators promise they will make their lives better and improve their difficult standard of living, these same Congressmen vote for billions of dollars in military and covert action programs, taking contributions from the lobbyists of connected Shadow Government military industrial corporations. The people starve while the kings shower themselves with gold.

Kevin Shipp, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Officer, intelligence and counter terrorism expert, held several high-level positions in the CIA.  He is the only CIA officer in history to publicly expose government illegal activity and cover up, stand up against the state secrets privilege at great personal risk, and build a secret code in the manuscript of his book.  Kevin exposes the Shadow Government in his videos below and will be speaking at a future Bear Witness Central conference.

Kevin Shipp,  assignments included:

  • Category 1 CIA Officer

  • Protective agent for the Director of the CIA

  • Counterintelligence investigator searching for moles inside the CIA

  • Overseas counter terrorism operations officer and HUMINT collector

  • Internal security investigator

  • Chief of training for the CIA federal police force

  • Polygraph examiner

  • Program Manager, Department of State Ant-terrorism Assistance Program

  • Supervisor, high risk protective detail for Afghan President Mohammed Karzai


  • Recipient of two CIA Meritorious Unit Citations, three Exceptional Performance Awards and a Medallion for high risk overseas operations


  • Bachelor’s degree in biology

  • Master’s level degree in forensic psycho physiology

  • Certified CIA counter terrorism driving instructor, counter surveillance and tactical firearms instructor


  • Best-selling book, From the Company of Shadows – an expose’ on CIA operations and the abuse of government secrecy

Mr. Shipp has come out to expose what he calls, “The Shadow Government/Deep State,” the massive system of secrecy and corruption that controls the elected US government behind the scenes.  He began his expose’s in 2012, warning of coming current events well before they happened.

He publishes monthly video updates on the Shadow Government/Deep State, alerts on illegal and corporate government surveillance and government violations of the US Constitution.
