May 4, 2024

President Trump’s Numbers Increase After Helsinki Meeting – Among Best Presidential Approval Numbers in a Century.

President Trump’s approval ratings went up in spite of the media onslaught after the Russian summit in Helsinki.  Members of the far-left MSM cannot understand how this can be.

According to Mediaite

It has been a week of brutal criticism aimed at President Donald Trump, but according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, Trump’s poll numbers are actually up.

“President Donald Trump’s approval rating edged higher during a week in which he faced withering criticism following a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, signaling that he is positioned to weather the latest controversy sparked by his unusual brand of politics,” the WSJ reports.

They add this: “Mr. Trump’s job approval rose to 45% in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the highest mark of his presidency and up 1 percentage point from June.”

In addition the President’s approval by member of his own party are some of the highest ratings of any President over the past century –

Americans can see the President’s efforts are helping the country.  Republicans are as happy about the President as any President in history.  MAGA

Source: The Gateway Pundit
