May 4, 2024

The 18th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks and the Cover up by FBI Director Robert Mueller. Part 2


Several lawsuits have been filed against Saudi Arabia

Robert Gearty wrote an article titled “Sue Saudis in 9/11” which was published in the New York Daily News on September 4, 2014. The reporter explained that Cantor Fitzgerald, which lost a staggering 658 people of his bond trading firm in the World Trade Center attacks, filed a $7 billion lawsuit against Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaida terror network and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Robert Gearty pointed out that a lawsuit was filed in Manhattan Federal Court in 2004 on the third anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attacks. It seeks damages from Saudi Arabian banks and charities.

The bond trading firm is alleging that “the defendants conspired, aided and/or abetted in the commission of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, by lending financial and material support, directly or indirectly, to the international terrorist organization al-Qaeda and its members”.

One of the jets that flew into the World Trade Center crashed and exploded just 10 floors below Cantor’s New York City headquarters in the north tower. The firm suffered more casualties than any other company.

The lawsuit alleges the following regarding Saudi Arabia; “It knew and intended that these Saudi-based charity and relief organization defendants would provide financial and material support and substantial assistance to al-Qaeda. It accused Saudi Arabia of “engaging in a pattern of racketeering as it participated directly or indirectly in al- Qaeda’s work through “alter ego” charities and relief organizations, which it funded and controlled. Saudi officials could not be reached for comment.”

The allegations in the complaint are similar to those set forth in a $300 billion lawsuit brought in Manhattan Federal Court on September 10, 2003 by more than two dozen insurers. Since 9/11, Cantor has rebuilt its operations and recovered its financial health. Members of the victims of 9/11 have also filed a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. Zacarias Moussaoui, a convicted former member of al-Qaeda, has made serious accusations against high Saudi officials involved in financing the 9/11 Islamic terrorists.

Zacarias Moussaoui, a convicted former member of al-Qaeda, made serious accusations against members of the royal family of Saudi Arabia

Zacarias Moussaoui.jpg

Zacarias Moussaoui is a convicted former member of al-Qaeda who is serving a life sentence at a federal “supermax” prison in Colorado after pleading guilty in 2005 that he helped plan the 9/11 attacks. He accused Saudi Arabia’s royal family of involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

Former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey, who served as Governor of Nebraska from 1983 to 1987 and as a United States Senator from 1989 to 2001, wrote an article titled “Moussaoui, Saudis and the full 9/11 Truth” which was published by the New York Daily News on February 6, 2015.  Senator Kerrey explained that the news that an al-Qaeda terrorist incarcerated in a maximum security prison has accused three members of the Saudi royal family of complicity in terrorist activities in the late 1990s and beyond “should scramble the nation’s national security apparatus to action.”

Kerrey stated the following: “We do not need another 9/11 Commission. That independent commission, on which I sat, produced an extensive report. So did congressional intelligence committees, including 28 classified pages that directly addressed the Saudi role in financing the attacks. Those pages must be declassified now. President Obama has promised 9/11 family members as much and many members of Congress who have read the section understand that the benefit of shining a bright light on recent history will be far greater than any harm to U.S.-Saudi relations.” After that happens, “Congress, which has all the power it needs to get to the bottom of these allegations, is duty-bound to the American people to do just that”, said Senator Kerrey.

The Saudi government wants them declassified. Really? Does that corrupt monarchy expect Obama to lie and engage in another cover up as in Libya, IRS, Fast and Furious, Veteran Affairs, and ObamaCare? Then, why is Obama not declassifying the 28 pages of the report if it can prove the innocence of the Saudis?

As stated earlier, the terrorist, who just made the explosive claims, is Zacarias Moussaoui. He held a position of “high respect” in al-Qaeda terror group and, according to the U.S. government, dealt directly with Osama Bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. For his participation in 9/11, he was imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Senator Kerrey said the following: “We know he has information that people outside of al-Qaeda do not and could not have. The Saudi government insists that he is mentally unstable. They base this on the notion that his lawyers argued as much to the court during his trial. But actually, Moussaoui primarily represented himself. The only assertion that he lacked mental competence was made by the legal team that had been representing him. The judge who presided over his trial and sentenced him rejected the contention out of hand. She deemed Moussaoui to be a very intelligent man who understood the law even better than some lawyers who appeared before her.”

Kerrey asked, “Should we believe Moussaoui, including when he claims that he once discussed with a member of the Saudi Embassy in Washington a plan to shoot down Air Force One with a Stinger missile”? Then he said, “That’s the wrong question. The right question is: “Do we have the whole truth and, if not, how can we get it?”

Kerrey believes that we do not have the whole truth. As an example, the Saudi government and its lawyers repeatedly assert that the 9/11 Commission on which he served concluded that the royal family had anything to do with 9/11. That is just untrue. The Commission made clear that it did not have all the facts and that further investigation was necessary. Moreover, we had no access to Moussaoui (or other potentially useful witnesses).

So, who can obtain to the truth? Congress can. Kerrey explained that it must also pass the bill called the Justice against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which is sponsored by Senators Chuck Schumer and John Cornyn. This will allow victims of 9/11 and other terrorist acts to sue foreign countries that funded terrorist groups — and cut through the unconscionable delays preventing families of 9/11 victims from seeking the truth and the compensation they deserve.

Kerrey concluded his article by stating the following: “There is also a role for the executive branch. The Department of Justice can and must investigate Moussaoui’s claims to help us and the Congress should judge their validity. I’m not unsympathetic to the importance of maintaining public alliance with Saudi Arabia. We need them in the fight against ISIS and as negotiations continue with Iran over its nuclear program. But that is no excuse to sweep these charges under the rug. Al-Qaeda has American blood on its hands and it wants more. We deserve to know precisely and completely who funded their terrorist acts. We deserve to know it soon.”

Carl Hulse wrote an article entitled “Claims against Saudis Cast New Light on Secret Pages of 9/11 Report” which was published in the New York Times on February 4, 2015. The reporter explained that the 9/11 Commission report still has a 28-page classified section that examines the crucial support given to the hijackers and that implicates prominent Saudis in the financing of terrorism.

Zacarias Moussaoui, a convicted former member of al-Qaeda who had high-level contact with officials of the Saudi government in the prelude to the September 11, 2001 attacks, have made accusations against high Saudi officials involved in financing the 9/11 Islamic terrorists. Zacarias Moussaoui accused three Saudi officials who had strong diplomatic and business ties to the United States.
