May 4, 2024

Tucker Rebuts Washington Neo-Cons Agitated By Trump’s Syria Withdraw


Fox News host Tucker Carlson chided Washington “neo-cons” on Monday for their condemnation of President Trump’s decision to pull out of northern Syria.


“We’d love to tell you it’s just the lefty hacks on CNN demanding that we stay in Syria forever, but unfortunately it was not– not even close. A ton of republicans on capitol Hill made exactly the same point,” Tucker said.

Among those Republicans that Tucker called out were Sen. Majority leader Mitch McConnell, former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham, Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney and Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse.

“All of them seem far angrier about the prospect of leaving Syria than they ever do about illegal immigration or Americans dying of fentanyl overdoses,” Tucker claimed. (RELATED: ‘You Feckless Unpatriotic Cowards!’: Meghan McCain Unloads On White House For Abandoning Kurds)

Nikki Haley tweeted earlier today, “We must always have the backs of our allies, if we expect them to have our back. The Kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against ISIS in Syria. Leaving them to die is a big mistake. #TurkeyISNotOurFriend,” Haley wrote.

We must always have the backs of our allies, if we expect them to have our back. The Kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against ISIS in Syria. Leaving them to die is a big mistake. #TurkeyIsNotOurFriend

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) October 7, 2019

“Turkey is not our friend?” Tucker asked. “That’s a surprise to those of us who have been paying attention because it was barely a year ago that official Washington, I mean everybody, was outraged. They were savaging the president for the crime of undermining NATO,” Tucker continued. (RELATED: Trump Begins Withdrawing Troops From Syria)

Tucker concluded by calling out Republican leaders’ seeming indifference towards the hundreds of thousands of drug deaths taking place, claiming that they “shrug” and “couldn’t care less.”

Trump has repeatedly, both as a presidential candidate and during his tenure in office, promised to withdraw troops from the Middle East and put an end to what he claims are “endless wars.”

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Christopher Smith
