May 7, 2024

Ocasio-Cortez delivers extremely effective speech after Republican’s sexist remarks

Congresswoman condemned ‘violent language towards girls’ after Ted Yoho berated her on the Dwelling steps on MondayCongresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outrage over a Republican lawmaker’s verbal assault broadened into an unprecedented 2d on the Dwelling ground on Thursday as she and other Democrats assailed a sexist culture of “accepting violence and violent language towards girls” whose adherents embody Donald Trump.A day after rejecting a recommendation of contrition from Republican congressman Ted Yoho for his language right by this week’s Capitol steps contrast, Ocasio-Cortez and bigger than a dozen colleagues solid the incident as all-too-general habits by men, along with the president and other Republicans. Continue studying…
This submit in the starting attach aside regarded on and written by:
Associated Press
The Guardian 2020-07-23 20: 25: 00
