May 12, 2024

‘That’s Not Peaceful Protest’: Amy Klobuchar Condemns Harassment Of RNC Attendees, But Blames It On Trump


Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar condemned the harassment and threats faced by attendees leaving the White House grounds after Thursday night’s Republican National Convention finale, but pointed out that the ongoing lawlessness is happening on President Donald Trump’s “watch.”

Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, his wife, and other attendees were accosted by demonstrators as they left the convention. Trump called the perpetrators a “bunch of thugs” in a video played by ABC’s Jon Karl before introducing the topic during a Sunday morning interview on “This Week.”

“So what was your reaction as you saw that?” Karl asked. “There’s no question that Trump supporters were intimidated and approached as they left the White House in a rather menacing way.”


“My first reaction is, and I have long condemned looting, violence, threats,” said Klobuchar. “That’s not peaceful protest, and I don’t care who’s engaging in it, you condemn it, and of course, Joe Biden has clearly condemned it.”

“This isn’t just happening in one place,” she continued. “It’s happening all over the country. It is happening under Donald Trump’s watch. What is going on? We have innocent people like George Floyd shot by police. We have what happened in Kenosha, and then we have a president that literally stands on the people’s lawn in violation of the Hatch Act, stands on the lawn with a bunch of pageantry and a bunch of fancy clothes with arias playing from the balcony and says, ‘oh, do you want to be safe?’ We are not safe in Donald Trump’s America.” (RELATED: Kelley Paul Describes Her And Rand Paul’s Encounter With Protesters: ‘The Most Terrifying Moment Of My Entire Life’)

The Minnesota senator continued to pin the blame on Trump for an “increase in hate crimes,” overall crime, and even those who have died of coronavirus before making her case for Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president.

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Scott Morefield
The Daily Caller 2020-08-30 18:27:00
