May 1, 2024

‘Move It Up’: Biden Appears To Struggle With Teleprompter During Virtual Event With AFL-CIO


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared to struggle with his teleprompter during a Monday virtual event with AFL-CIO.

Biden took a series of questions throughout the virtual event — which was streamed by NBC News — but after one question about ten minutes into the livestream, he paused and said, “move it up here.” (RELATED: Biden Cites ‘Constitutional Issue,’ Flips On His Own Policy Calling For National Mask Mandate)


Unite Here Local 355 member Rebecca “Becca” Vedrine began her question by saying that she had not been “involved in politics” in 2016 because she didn’t really feel that her vote mattered.

“This is like a redo for me, and it’s like it shows that I’ve become an adult and I have responsibilities, I have a say in what goes on where I live, where I stay, where I put money to, where I put love to — so this election is everything to me,” Vedrine explained.

Vedrine went on to ask what a Biden administration would do to make sure that more Americans had the opportunity to be a part of a union if they wanted to do so.

“Move it up here —” Biden said, then paused for several seconds before answering the question.

“There used to be a bargain in this country,” he said, adding, “workers shared in the wealth their work helped create. If it didn’t go well, they shared in the losses as well. That bargain is broken.”

Biden went on to say that CEOs were increasing stock buybacks and their own pay instead of sharing profits with the workers. Several reports in 2019 — including from CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, and even The Washington Post — indicated that lower wage-earners were getting raises at faster rates than their bosses were for the first time in years.

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Virginia Kruta
The Daily Caller 2020-09-09 18:08:00
