May 7, 2024

TESLA Driver Pulled Over Going 93 MPH — Completely Asleep!

Catching ZsCanadian cops say they pulled over a Tesla that was traveling at 93 miles per hour — while the driver was completely asleep, with the seat pulled down like a bed.“The officer was able to obtain radar readings on the vehicle, confirming that it had automatically accelerated up to exactly 150 km/h [93 mph],” the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement to Global News.Speed RacerTesla’s “Autopilot” feature, which offers a range of driver assistance technologies like lane centering and semi-autonomous navigation on highways, has blossomed into an unlikely public health hazard, as more and more news reports emerge of drivers engaging it and then taking a nap or otherwise ceasing to pay attention to the road.One Tesla driver was eating and drinking during an accident, another was watching a movie on his phone when he smashed into several police cars, and yet another was playing a video game.Sleeper HitThe Canadian police are mincing no words about the latest incident, over which they charged the driver with speeding and issued a 24-hour license suspension.“Although manufacturers of new vehicles have built-in safeguards to prevent drivers from taking advantage of the new safety systems in vehicles, those systems are just that — supplemental safety systems,” RCMP Supt. Gary Graham said in a statement to Global News. “They are not self-driving systems, they still come with the responsibility of driving.”READ MORE: Alberta RCMP charge driver allegedly sleeping in a self-driving, speeding Tesla on Highway 2 [Global News]More on Autopilot: Elon Musk Defends Tesla’s Misleading “Autopilot” Mode
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Drudge Report
